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Grackle ~ Backyard Birds

Decided to share some of the backyard birds I see from my patio doors and deck. Each season brings different types of birds.

Common Grackles appear black from a distance, but up close their glossy purple heads contrast with bronzy-iridescent bodies. A bright golden eye gives grackles an intent expression. Females are slightly less glossy than males. Young birds are dark brown with a dark eye.

Even though I like the colors of this bird, the shiny purple head, I cannot be fooled with these birds and the behavior. I tolerate them during the winter but not the spring. You can see why below…

The Purple Grackle is found in the southeast from central Louisiana to Alabama north to southern New York and Connecticut.  It is very similar to the crow.  From a distance it looks black, however when the sun strikes its feathers, they look blue or royal purple.  

The purple grackle is very unpopular with other birds because it devours eggs and takes young birds from their nests. They are not welcome in my yard during the spring when many birds are nesting.


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20 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. yup birds I’ve seen before!

    Would I like Carol to share pictures from Narnia of the birds that visit, is there are word more powerful then yes? Yes Please, Please Yes, yes, yes yes!

  2. Very interesting I have never heard about a Grackle bird but in the photo, it almost looks like one of the smaller crows that used to come to our garden in Latvia
