This is a short quiz about random wildflower stuff, and you probably won’t even need a magnifying glass to solve it.
I live in San Diego County California and went for a drive yesterday to shoot these beauties.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and quiz!
Good LUCK!
Question of
I shot this white one yesterday, how big is this whole cluster?
The size of a dinner plate.
The size of a coffee saucer.
The size of a baseball.
Question of
Is this a flower?
Question of
Fields of this flower are just starting to bloom. Do you know what it is?
Question of
I do not know the identification of these, but they were tiny. How tiny were they?
The size of a pencil eraser.
Bigger than a pencil eraser.
Smaller than a pencil eraser.
Question of
I snapped this going down the freeway at 80 mph. There are three colors of wildflowers in this. Which color is not present?
Question of
Do you know what the orange flowers are? They are our state flower.
Desert Mariposa Lily
Desert Mallow
Question of
How many people do you count?
Question of
Do you know the name of the tree on the top ridge?
Question of
What color of wildflower is not present in this shot?
Question of
Is the correct spelling Wildflower or Wild Flower?
Wild Flower
Both are accepted.
so beautiful and beautiful flowers never fail to amaze me.
It was fabulous to be there. It was so cold I didnt even get out of the car though..Im a wimp.
We are fortunate to have a warm place. come over here to experience what heat is lol
Fantastic pictures. I enjoyed the quiz even though it was not good for me ?
Thank you Vidocka, sorry you didnt do well. This was a tough one. Glad you liked the shots!
Thank you so much and glad you stopped by!! 🙂
I missed a few questions, but I enjoyed the views! Great quiz!
Well that’s not bad at all then! Thank you, glad you liked them. 🙂
2 out of 10 🙁 I am sliding downhill at some rate 😀
I bet you got the flower name ones correct. If not, don’t tell the wife. lol. Some were impossible and you had to just guess. Sorry you didn’t do so well, but did ya like the orangeness?
Orange is the new (and old) orange. Nothing compares with orangeness!
This is great! I learned a lot of new things today. Got 4 correct answers. Those were the obvious things present in the images.
This one was a bit different and the questions about size had to just plain be guessed at, there was no real way of telling. You actually did pretty well with four correct because of this. Thanks for playing and I am glad you learned a few things. Lupines and poppies grow just about everywhere now days.
Good Tuesday and good week to you!
Thank you Tiada! I rested all day Tuesday so it was a good one, hope yours was great as well.
I think I did OK, despite these not being British wildflowers!
Ah wonderful Indexer. Thanks for playing, and I am sure a few of these originated from over your way. 😉
They would only have done so if deliberately introduced, or if a few seeds had stuck to the boots of a member of a “huddled mass” who landed at New York. It’s a bit far for flower seeds to drift across the Atlantic!
This quiz is too easy to get full numbers! I got half of it!
Way to go on getting half right, some you just had to guess at. There was no real way of telling the correct answer. So you did super, and thanks for playing.
Great quiz, I missed a few. Pretty photos.
I knew you would do okay on this one, the only impossible ones were the size ones, and those had to be just guesses. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed the photos.
You are welcome Kim. 🙂
5/10, beautiful pictures! ? It was definitely a great way to use them. ?
Way to go on half right, you passed! Thank you, glad you liked it. 😀
Bleh… I’ve done badly… *runs*
But still had fun!
Well after hearing the title you did wonderful at trying. I know flower names are not your thing. lol So, thank you so much for taking it. Hope you liked the flowers.
Well, my eyes had a great feast! 🙂
Kim is a great quiz … my knowledge is very bad … I prefer not to say the result haha
Thank you Lado, those darn flower names right? I have a tough time with them as well. Only ones I have heard a million times do I know. Thank you for taking the quiz though, hope you enjoyed all the flowers. 😉
I enjoyed it and tried hard … only me and flowers are not great friends … I very much like to paint them and I often do not know what I actually do
You do them well too, I have seen some awesome flower photos from your side of the world. I do the same, I take pictures of them, and try to find the names of them, but it is so hard to do.
I totally agree with you dear Kim… a nice day and a nice evening
Nice quiz but I am very away to solve
That’s okay Perfect, I really just wanted a creative way of showing some flowers. Thanks for taking a peek! 😀
Not doing to well on this quiz so I quit lol.
LOL, darn it LaJenna! Well, you didnt need to zoom much though. 😉