I am going to attempt something different here for this quiz.
This is a test… A trial run. Let me know what you think.
In the first question I have uploaded an original photograph that I have taken. I will ask a question about the original, but the object of the game is to find out what I have taken out of the original photo. You will see what I mean.
Try it, have fun! I will circle the answers and post them on Monday in the challenges section!
Question of
In this original, is my son and daughter in law mad or glad?
Question of
This is the edit, what did I change? Which row is it in?
Question of
The original.. Is the dog happy or scared?
Question of
In this edit, what have I taken out? What column is it in?
Question of
In this original, have they just met for the first time?
Yes, he was a passerby on the beach.
No, this scene is set up.
Question of
In the edit below, I have added something. Which row is it in?
Question of
This original was seen in….?
Someones back yard?
On a hiking trail
None of the above.
Question of
The edit below is different. Which column is it in?
Question of
This is a photograph of _________?
My granddaughter
My mom.
My sister.
My daughter in law.
Question of
In this edited version I took out one item. Which column is it in?
great work, however i will check it in a while completely
Thank you unkabird! Good luck!
Great one, I didn’t get all, haha!
Awe, that’s okay, at least you got some! Thanks for playing all of these search games yesterday!
Great idea, but I am officially blind, now I know that for sure! The only item removed that I could actually find was in the last one 🙂
Thank you Norman. lol You do really good for a blind guy! The last one, I really want to do that in real life. giggles. take it out!!
This was tough and almost gave me a headache at 3:16 am. That new ad at the bottom just about ruins the site. I’ve left other sites that showed intrusive ads like this, and I could click something to make those ads go away. I also hate floating share buttons on sites like this that are visual. They make it harder to see content. I missed 2.
What are u doing up at 3am? Even the cows are still in bed at that time. lol I actually wake up around 330. I don’t like the new changes either.
I wasn’t getting up. I was getting ready to go to bed. At least my three-day headache is gone today, and maybe I won’t be so grumpy.
I hope so too. That is no fun. So sorry, I was wondering why you were grumpy, but didnt want to pry.
I”m not as good at hiding what I feel as some people are. What you see is usually what’s really there. I’m hoping it will also cool off a little soon. Heat also makes me grumpy. Please never take it personally. I’m working on it, but I get a bit raw in those early morning hours.
Four out of 10 on this quiz. Make more of these quizzes. I like to learn new things.
Four of ten is good! They are not easy for sure. I plan to make more, thank you!
My pleasure to take on these quizes.
This was fun….but tough! I only got 2 wrong….and now I see one of them that I missed 🙂
Only two wrong is super good. Does this make it easier?
This is excellent . I think I found them all correctly
Way to go Branka, I hope you enjoyed the new way of posting these.
A very original way of showing the quiz.
Thank you Robin! : )
1 wrong and still can’t find it… :/
The messy one with chairs and shoes… :/
One wrong is quite good Alibb. Look for the originals tomorrow!
Hmm that’s a nice one! Excellent post!
I am glad you think so Elena. Thank you!
This is excellent Kim, I think I found them all correctly. 🙂
I always do one for you, a really hard one. lol Looks like you aced it!
Finally, it was tough and I was trying to watch the bluebirds at the same time.
lol, well bluebirds are more important for sure!
They are peeking out of the house, ready to fly away at any moment.
Great Quiz based on some technical trick.
Thank you, I have been trying to figure out a way to make the games into quizzes.