These are the top concerns/questions/issues brought up by the readers and writers of the various Virily communities (including from Virily itself).
Please vote, We will be sharing the results of the voting with the editorial team!
Question of
The Virily Site is very slow to use.
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The slowness of the site makes it hard for me to post.
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The site slowness makes it hard for me to produce content or read the content of other writers.
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Would you like an after publication edit button so you can change content after it is published?
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We would love more communication from the Virily team!
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We would love to receive more direct communication from the Virily Team!
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We would like to know what each of the badges is exactly and the requirements to earn the badge and badge level.
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A clear explanation of what a Viril is!
Question of
We would love a clear explanation of what a viril is and what it is worth.
I have joined here for a few minutes ago.
THanks for participating in the community!
Great poll, I didn’t vote the first questions because the site is in fact not that slow right now. I kinda feel bad for the admins, because they are doing what they can, but we are getting very impatient at times. I agree that communication is very important, but I wonder if we would be more understanding if they tried. I remember how mad were people at the news by the Niume admins.
Also, yesterday, when they warned us that there are new problems with the posts and I got the impression that we shouldn’t make new posts until they are fixed. I see that people are still trying to post and most of the posts of course are broken. They are now fixing both the site problems and our new posts (2 of which were mine, lol).
And that’s why I support the idea that we should be able to edit and delete our own posts.
Editing was included in the original post to various locations. That said, delete is a great addition to that!
Ellie, awesome points all!!!
Very well thought-through poll, Scott. My biggest wish is for clear and timely communication from on high. It would generate a much more positive attitude and users would feel less alienated.
First Norman, thank you! I completely agree. The best path forward involves better communication from the Virily team! For example today, they have a banner on the page saying there is a posting problem. That is a huge start!!! Sadly, well begun is simply well begun. It is not, as Mary Poppins used to say 1/2 done, however.
I am happy to participate in this poll. I hope that we can start seeing improvements.
That is the overall goal. Working together we can solve the problems (hopefully)
These are the problems;
1. I have to push ‘profile’ then push ‘posts’ to see an item. Why isn’t there a direct button to posts?
2. The Mod doesn’t work on weekends so when we are writing they aren’t there so the work we do on weekends sits until Monday.
3. That when we write a series there is no automatic link to other chapters.
1 and 3 are interesting I wonder how many more people agree with them. The 2nd one is well hard to agree with. Everyone deserves time off, so making someone work on the weekend means you have to give up time.
being a ‘mod’ on a writing site is not exactly work. Have on ‘on duty’ on Weekends only. YOu can do that.
About 3, I don’t see how such links could be ‘automatic’. When writing any kind of series of posts, you can easily add links to earlier posts in the series. The problem lies in not being able to edit earlier posts to add links to later posts. I think Scott has that covered under ability to edit.
Hmm … the site has gotten faster these few days and there are lesser down times.
BUT there are problem with posting … Sigh~~
I suspect in order to fix one problem with the site, there are other problems that will occur. The bane of technology is Murphy’s Law – work on something long enough to improve it and it will break.
LOL on Murphy’s law, it’s not the same as the one I heard of but I guess there are many Murphys around 🙂
but oh well there are still problems to be solved
we can only once again, wait
Very few people have supported this poll. I do not like that.
The poll is just posted not too long ago…
more people will come in later
Thanks @Alibb! I literally posted this yesterday late am my time. Your support is welcomed thank you!!!!!
I posted it late in the day on Saturday. It is starting to gain traction!
It is hard to participate with the way things have been yesterday and today and be objective enough to take the poll. None of my pictures will post, so technically all the one’s I publish are in violation, even though in preview they look perfect. Today I would be harsh and probably unfair. Like I would say to support – “If you are not here turn your green button off.”
The poll is not that simple to take today.
Great questions. I have been asking myself the same. I have they will bring changes to the platform.
They have made many changes in the 9 or so months I have been a member. Some of them good, some of them not as good. Hopefully, we will continue with more good changes!
Great questions. Good luck, I have been asking most of these for awhile now.
In the words of my second-grade teacher – keep trying until you can’t try anymore!