

Yes Virginia, there is a way to make me not post so much!

If you don’t recognize the title it’s a play on words from the movie “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Clause. Again I have been approached by a virily member and asked to stop posting so much content. To this I will say gladly. When there is conversation and responses on my posts I will happily stop loading more and answer comments and make more comments. 

Clearly the only way I can be successful until that happens is to post, post, post, post, post, well you get the idea. I love to write and some feed back is wonderful. I will do what ever I have to do to make a little while I am here and if that means  writing all the time I shall keep doing it. 

Yes I read your posts. Yes, I comment on many not on all. I tried commenting on all for quite some time and that was not very successful.

  • Question of

    Do you understand why I post so much?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Is it a problem for you?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Would you like me to do it differently?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    I am always looking for ideas and suggestions, are you going to share?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


  1. You have the right to post as much as you want … I am trying to look at as many posts as possible, and I also read them because I get to know other countries, traditions, history, etc. I also do not have a lot of views and comments although I publish only one post … I do not care what the others say …

    • It is not exactly what I desire, but if there is no interaction the only thing you can do is create content and get views from the outside. That requires a lot of content.

  2. Personally, I would say two things.
    1. Anyone that tells you, or any other Virily member not to post deserves to have their name published. I support your right to post what you want to post. Censorship is wrong on all levels.
    2. I personally want to apologize. I often don’t spend as much time as I did in the past reading. I set a rule for myself to read not more than 20 posts a day. If I miss and don’t comment, you are welcome to yell at me. But if I don’t get to a post I apologize.

    Post until the cows come home!!!!

    • Oh my goodness. I was in no way criticizing you. There is no reason for you to ever apologize to me. You have done nothing wrong and you are not compelled or required to respond. My push back a was response to what appears to be an organized effort to request I post less. I didn’t mean to sound like I was yelling. I was careful to not use all caps.

      It has nothing to do with you personally. After several messages, even on social media as I was sharing their posts, and personal messages to me me from what I consider a large number of people here I had to address it in what I thought was an interesting manner.

      Don’t be concerned at all. As you know, I enjoy your posts and you are never required to respond to any post I write.

      Thanks for the encouragement. Our cows never really make it home. There are always a few running amuck. (I love the word amuck.)

  3. I appreciate how you continue forward despite adversity. If there wasn’t any aversion to your posts, then your writing would not be having any impact to the Virily community. Plus, one has to post plenty of articles for the virils to pile up.

  4. You are seriously an inspiration for me. I am so happy to have s senior like you on Yes, I also love to write and write and write most of the time. I am happy to note that you have that ability to express yourself eve in a gist. The life of a writer that is what yiu are living is wonderful.

    • Why thank you for showing your support. I think this is a writing site and I love reading and looking at the beautiful things that others enjoy posting as well.

  5. It can be frustrating if you post something and no one responds. Then you are not sure if anyone even read what you wrote. I am always so busy online with content writing and other ways to make a passive income that the best I can do here is to post at least twice a week. I wish you luck on getting more responses.

    • Thanks for your response. I can live without the feedback if that is necessary. I have a hard time with the idea that I post too much. You do what you must to express yourself and earn a little. Granted I should work harder on my books and perhaps that will give others here a break from me.

      I appreciate you.
