Please note – it is now 18 days or more since many authors had their posts moderated (I know of 5 there are more I am sure), Please send another message to the admin team. I am sorry that I keep asking, but we are not getting any traction, and many wonderful authors are waiting for their posts to be published. I can only tell you that it is now as bad as it was about a year ago when many authors couldn’t post for more than a month. We are now at 32 days with posts only having been approved one time in that period. Keep sending the admins those messages. At some point, the system has to change. Otherwise, we are going to end up with a crater where the site was.
I have been an information person for many years. I have been on teams that have built global IP and IC solutions. IP is the intellectual property of an organization and is protected by law. IC is the intellectual capital of an organization also protected by law but includes two distinct types of information. Where IP is explicit, physical, and it exists, IC can be explicitly but can also be tacit Tacit knowledge isn’t often written down. Tacit knowledge can be as simple as knowing when to bang the side of the copier at work. It can be as complicated as being the only person in the company that knows the fourteen steps to get something installed in a specific place or office.
The tacit knowledge of a doctor can save your life. The tacit knowledge of a plumber can save you money. They don’t write that information down, although they do pass to it people that they are training. But news has time to live, a time when it is viable. The doctor, with the information to save your life, being 8 hours away with no cell or landline, is well too late. As water cascades around your kitchen floor, the plumber realizing the people were weaker than he or she thought well is too late. As information moves, it decays. It is also nuanced. The reality of the information you receive either by reading or from another person has the risk of your bias (reading) and the other person’s bias.
My dad always used to say information like rivers gets bigger the further you are from the source.
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
Ever hear “straights from the horses mouth?
Question of
Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down?
Question of
Reading for context clues is not as good as asking the author, right?
Question of
It is ok to disagree with people
Question of
Did you ever play the telephone game?
Question of
Did you ever play the game whale?
WE got on to IRC chat in like 1988… so that’s the year. we didn’t have real commercial internet in Jamaica until 1995. Before then we got on ‘differently’ and were limited.
I think Windows started in 1985… I didn’t use it until sort of recently… used Linux
technically the first windows released (1.00.2) around 1986. the IRC chat from Microsoft was run by a really good friend of mine.
Even if one hears it straight from the donkey’s mouth, still the information will be passed through according to how the person’s reach of understanding and experience and therefore subject to that person’s biases and prejudices 😉
consider the bias in all cases!
the reality is that the filters we apply change information. Anger makes us see everything as an attack. Sadness makes us see everything as worse.
the bias can get you.
I agree. But also, the prejudice. Both are just as bad.
you separate the two, i cram them all into bias. But I do agree based on your splitting them they are both horrible!
Yes (3 votes) – 100%
Yes (4 votes) – 100%
Yes (3 votes) – 75%
No (1 votes) – 25%
Yes (4 votes) – 100%
Yes (3 votes) – 75%
No (1 votes) – 25%
Yes (1 votes) – 100%
That certainly is much too much time to have to wait for posts to get online. However, I wonder if this just happens to be a slow time because I even have noticed that presently it if very hard for me to get writing jobs or to even make bids because at present things seem to have come to a standstill.
my fear is that the economic reality is impacting the site. But still, that is going to hurt the site again just like not having ads (and revenue) did 8 months ago.
I really don’t know what the admins are thinking. I decided to send messages every day.
Well i honestly have no idea. i can not going to guess at this point.
I have never played Whale – what is it?
How else can we create more urgency for our admins?
Don’t they want to make more money?
Any great ideas out there to share?
i am sure there are a lot of great ideas.
I do not know the how to improve or even drive urgency in the admin team. They don’t respond to anyone.
Whale, is a variation of telephone, but the intent is you ask two members of the telephone circle to actually intentionally double the size of whatever is shared originally.
it can produce some hilarious results.
(in telephone we would start with a sentence – I love the blue sky)
it would often become I love blue candy.
in whale goodness knows what you would end up with!
I only stay here because I have not found another site similar. Further, payment is rather poor.
i can understand that overall- i wish payment was higher but oh well.
Just as they play with posting so as to cut down the payment, they play with the payment. My gov. will never deal with Estonia.
First, your “gov” Jamaica has a consultate in Estonia so in fact they do “deal with Estonia.
as for the other supposition – i have no clue. we don’t know at this point and guessing doesn’t help anyone.
A consulate, in Jamaica terms is some guy who can take messages. He is not a Jamaican. I’m talking about having links… like we do with South Africa or Cuba or China…
The problem with the internet is that you never know who you are talking to, who they know…
Do you remember back in the days of IRC Chat…talking to Ask Bill?
i remember the early days of the internet.
a consultant is a legal entity and other than not having an ambassador represents that nation,
A few people I know are ‘Consular Generals’ and they have no connection to the country. They attend cocktail parties and if you contact them they’ll contact whomever but they aren’t like an Ambassador.
Ringing the Min. of Foreign Affairs for example or talking to her at a cocktail party is more my style.
btw… Ask Bill was Bill Gates. Al Gore used a species of Owl as his. We cracked up when right there on IRC Chat some guy was explaining Windows to Ask Bill.
it is still a formal relationship between the two countries. you can make fun of roles but it doesn’t change the fact that the two countries have and do talk.
your original assertion was the Jamaica doesn’t have a connection. They do.
We have a digital connection and took their idea of doing stuff on line. But it isn’t a big deal.
i can tell you, as I worked for Microsoft at that time, Ask Bill was never Bill Gates. It was a Microsoft Employee, but not gates.
On IRC chat in the 80s… I’m sure it was Bill himself. Probably in the 90s he gave it over. You can ask him if he wasn’t on IRC chat.
1982 his focus was not on windows any more directly that was Steve Balmer.
WE got on to IRC chat in like 1988… so that’s the year. we didn’t have real commercial internet in Jamaica until 1995. Before then we got on ‘differently’ and were limited.
I think Windows started in 1985… I didn’t use it until sort of recently… used Linux
i talk tot he person that played Bill on Bitnet, IRC and later on the original MS support chat.
he ran the IRC program and he has proof he was Bill.
18 days to wait is absurd. I continue with my emails but nothing so far. We keep hoping for a better day.
so do I, so do I. we have so many authors coming back that are now sitting in that queue
And some may leave during the wait. An urgent matter that needs to be resolved.
that is possible as well, just worry that we lose too many good authors.
I know for sure we are unfortunately. Another email was sent today.
yes it is very frustrating – thanks for sending the mail