
Love ItLove It

Waiting for the day

in the dustbin

where the bunnies


dust bunny gatherings

with marshmallows

and sticks

a fire burning

in the dustbin

but the doorway

where the bunnies wait.

Until then the wind


fills the air

with bunny parts

and the sound

of marshmallows screaming

as the fire


the last of the sound

newly minted silence

in the corner

by the dustbin

without dust bunnies now.

  • Have you ever stopped and realized that things had changed that you thought were the same?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

14 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We get plenty of change, all the time, yesterday’s possessions becomes tomorrows junk.
    I somehow see some business man with his hand on his son with long hair say to him,”someday son this will all be yours!”
    In the background,
    a pile of junk.
    Recycling may be a necessity in the future..

    • I love that – Percy Blythe Shelley wrote Ozymandias, my all time favorite poem about the exact scenario you described!

      Look upon my works ye mighty and despair
      but as far as the travelers could see, there was only sand!

  2. You should see the bunny parts, farts, and other things in my little apartment now that I share it with four kittens,. I cannot wait to see their faces when I bring out the good old Dirt Devil,.
