@Indexer talked about having fun at Virily rather than grumble about the site, in his recent post. He also mentioned about the fun of aiming for ranks. There were comments about what the point was in aiming for ranks when users do not benefit.
It took me to games we play at parties where there are no prizes but the joy of winning was good enough to take part in the games. Yes. There is joy here too trying to have a healthy compeition among users and that in turn will make one to be more active. .
When I saw my name for the first time, among the top 50 it made my day I now keep watching my progress there and happy to see that I have gone up to 31.
While aiming to reach higher one earns more Virilis as to get there one has to be active and more activity means more virils.
So guys get going and play along with me.
Do you aim for ranks here at Virily?
I am not aware of the ranking here. So how do i get to see the ranks?
Click on the Menu and you will see a drop down menu. You will find the Ranks tab there.
Thank you. I will check on it.
I even do not remember when it was last time when I looked for ranks here, may two years ago. I really do not care about any ranks. I enjoy writing, that is why I am here. Not to be better or higher in ranks than others. We all are equal in my mind.
There has to be a reason why Virily has introduced this feature.
umm, not a new feature at all. It’s been here for at least 3 years.
Who has said it is a new feature!!
I don’t check the ranks, but I am glad it makes you happy climbing up. Wish you good luck with it!
It is a healthy compeition. There are others like me who enjoy getting higher.
Yes, I saw it from the moment you landed here on Virily, you’re not going to rest until you hit Carol DM’s number one spot, remember, I told you so? Equating it with harmless party games makes no sense at all. No, monetary rewards? Of course, you get paid here. It’s no party game. Let’s get real, Grace. I call it as I see it all the way to South-Fork oops I meant “Solitaire.”
I have said that. This healthy competition makes us more active and that helps one earn more. What’s wrong with that?
Surprised that you watch my progress!!! I get a strong feeling you are in it too??????
Hey Andre, I love it when you get real! You make me smile. I needed that one today.
I look every month or so, just to keep track of whos who. lol. I remember making it to number 50, I remember making it to number one which I kept for a whole year. I am now on number 7. lol Wonder how long itll take to get back down to 50? joking of course. And yes, I agree with you.
For me it is a great achievement considiering I am here just for six plus months My rank is 30
Did not know you were No. 1 before. You may not be as active as you were earlier Getting back to 50 will be quite tough but you can try (lol)
That is very good. We all love your posts, and you! No wonder you have made it to 30 so fast. Won’t take long to bypass some of those 30, some arent active now.
lol Thanks for the laugh, yes I guess it would be tough. I plan to keep posting.
I checked, Kim, you have to write something like 10 polls, 30 virils=300 a day, max. Wait for midnight, 1minute past midnight, 10 virils then crank out 10 polls and so you go. LOL.
I have not seen anyone writing that many polls here. I have seen you writing many posts but surely not that many. (lol)
You are giving wrong advice Writing 10 posts is not good enough to get to 1000 they must be viewed. I write 4 and I get several views and there lies the secret.
Imagaine posting 300 posts a month. Is it humanly possible?
I am not interested in the rankings … I am here for the sake of entertainment and some friends I have met here …. if I were to be ranked I would post five posts every day and then post one post every other day … .that is enough for me …. I’m not here for the money … if I can’t be here all day for 1 coffee hahaha
That is nice to know you are not here for money. But I feel happy when I reach payout. I do not need this money for my survival but reaching payout each month is a nice feeling. If Virily stopped paying will you continue?
But I agree with you … it feels nice when you get paid, even though it’s only $ 10 …. I have a feeling that if we didn’t pay we would all disappear in a few days
In other words we are all here for money (lol)
There was a time when I was on there briefly and long ago. Ut would be pointless for me to try now. Oh well.
You must have taken it easy Here at Virily one needs to be active every single day and that I am
If everyone thought that way Virily have a robust community (lol)
I suspect that you will catch me soon – at Number 30 – but who knows what will happen after that?!!!
My day has just begun and with what I have in mind I get the feeling I will over take you unless with what you have in mind it may topple my apple cart (lol)
I do not aim for ranks but if I get a new rank I am glad. My goal is to share information and interesting things and to find out what others have to say
While aiming it does puts us in a healthy competitive mood and you know what that means.