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Torrential Rain and Clouds

We are having days of rain and thunderstorms. The rain has been almost non-stop for almost a week. Now there is flooding everywhere. The creeks and rivers are reaching flood stage. Breaking records for the amount of rainfall in February from the 1800’s.

Snapped this photo from the deck to show you how the dark clouds have filled the sky.

So far we are safe. But many roads and school are closed all over the state. And the rain and thunderstorms  continue another day. We have cypress trees with shallow roots, and I hope they will survive the torrential amounts of water that has saturated the ground.

Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

~ Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds

  • Every had flooding in your world?

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What do you think?

18 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Chicago’s flood season is in April and May when the Des Plaines and Fox Rivers tend to overflow their banks and all the idiots who built their houses on the banks where they can’t get flood insurance start whining for government bailouts.

    The problem we run into at this time of the year is that we start getting more sun and the temperature start going up. This means that the snow starts melting but the ground is still frozen solid and can’t absorb it. It’s more annoying than dangerous and varies from house to house.

  2. You know that sandy little beach by the river I always take the dogs too? Gone, the whole are got a hundred year flood. I am going to take shots of it tomorrow, if it doesnt rain. We have had tons of rain. I hope you all get some relief soon. Dryer stuff is headed your way, its been dry for a whole two days here.
    Do you know the name of that amazing cloud you shot? It is a roll cloud, I am glad there was no tornadoes. Stay dry my friend.

  3. Flooding seems to be a problem everywhere but it is really unfortunate when it cause so much devastation like what happened last year in India and few years back, in my own country. Still, who’s to blame but us ??‍♀️
