
Love ItLove It

Technology saving time, and first results of the 24, 48 hour view study,….

Why is it that every time I cut 100 dollars from our family budget, a new bill for 110 dollars appears.

Rant off, sorry about that, just doing the monthly bill pay binge. One of the value propositions of the modern world is that ability to do electronic bill pay. Security note, if you use online banking change your password as often as you can. Every 45 days is recommended. The reason for that is it decreases your risk a little bit. I’ve been doing online banking for the past few years. It is a great time saver. I remember opening the bills, checking the amounts, writing the checks and then getting stamps. Oh, crap the stamp bowl is empty. Run to store, get stamps to come back, crap missed the postperson. Drive to the post office, put all bills in the container, so they have the correct time and date on them. Go home and exhausted take a nap.

That was the old system. Now it is so much easier. That got me thinking today about the famous time savings of the modern world. Not to complain but I don’t save anywhere near the amount of time I would expect to. Taxes take me 4 to 5 days of effort normally starting the end of December and finishing once I have my information, the last week of January. I suspect because all my financial records are digital that my taxes take less time now than they used to. I remember when we bought our first house, I didn’t file taxes until the end of February. In theory, the good news is it takes less time. The bad news is it still takes time. But there are things that do save time.

DVR’s allow me to cut the 13 or so minutes of commercials out of a TV show. One hour becomes 47 minutes.

I’ll end with the concept that Albert brought up, relating to the time of day posting and views. I’ve kept track of my posts this week. Six days and 12 posts, please note that this does not include today’s three posts. I find in the first 24 hours of a post I get between 30 and 35 views. Some posts less some posts more, but I took the total and divided that by 6 to be fair. I’ve also noticed that I get more views between 24 and 48 hours after the original post than I get in the first 24. Don’t ask me why that I have no idea about. More stats will come; it just takes time to gather them!

  • Question of

    Do your views grow equally in the first two days of sharing?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you sometimes see lower views?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you sometimes see higher views?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you see lots of comments?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I track the stat of my posts and the only conclusion I can make is that I actually do not know which one will hit. I have a poem that when I first post it, it got a decent reaction but not something that will wow. Then more than a year later, I repost the same poem with a different write-up and it got over 1000 shares. The only articles I wrote that got between 1000 to 5000 shares were the ones featured in Berlin ArtParasites which has a huge following compared to my page and therefore the chance of getting shared there was greater.

    • I am just collecting platform usage data. Not sure there is anything to do with it. Unless people are going to modify the times they use Virily. 🙂

  2. I use online banking. This is a wonderful “invention”, if I can say so. I save a lot of time and money. In my posts, I notice the same as you. I do not even know the cause.
