
Love ItLove It WINWIN

Stone Angel ~ Day 176

I have a few angel stones in my garden. I also have statues. What they represent to me is personal. In Dustin’s garden I have a statue of an angel, and an angel with an inscription as a tribute to my son. A very special meaning and this garden brings me peace. But I understand we are all different. Some believe, some don’t. That is not right or wrong. It is our choice. Believing is what gets me through the day. 

The depth of my belief is not fully known right now but I do believe I will see my son again one day. Not sure how that will all happen but to keep putting one foot in front of the other I must believe. Many days I lose hope and start in a downward spiral. But the belief is what picks me up and tells me to keep going and we will meet again.

Photo ©CarolDM2018

365 Photos Challenge Day 176

Insight is better than eyesight when it comes to seeing an angel. ~Eileen Elias Freeman

  • Do you believe in angels?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Thanks I believe I’ve seen an angel for real, but thats another story.

    An idea, you can get a piece of paper and pencil. Put the paper over the angel and scribble over it.
    Then you can get an image of that angle.

    Make sure the angel is dry and clean first. You can do the same with coins.

  2. All our experiences in this journey of life are unique to the individual and the most important factor is finding peace along the way. That is where, I believe, the maze to the centre of love begins.

    • I started believing when I lost my Mom at 14, she appeared to me as an angel. I will never forget that moment Courtney. But we all have the right to choose. Thank you for your encouragement.

    • You are so kind to say these words Doc. I am not familiar with Nouwen but did a little research and am a huge fan now, and I thank you for that…

      “We need to be angels for each other, to give each other strength and consolation. Because only when we fully realize that the cup of life is not only a cup of sorrow but also a cup of joy will we be able to drink it.”
      ― Henri J.M. Nouwen
