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Stability or flexibility?

I always hoped to live steadily: to have unchanging principles throughout life, the same friends, and the same agenda, and that I feel roughly the same every day.

Why? Not necessarily someone requires it from me, but it’s more internal dragons ask for nonsense. But it seems to me that those stable people are somehow better than me, and when I start doing things again that promised never do again and when I change my mind on a certain issue, I am already feuding because I have no principles, but … maybe it is called flexibility?

You live as the best is for you at the time, trying not to beat down anyone on your road, and that’s enough? Life itself perfectly pre-orders problems without our intervention.

So, at the current time, I am for (unstable) flexible people.

© Fortune, 2009

  • Are you for…?

    • Stability
    • Flexibility


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by Fortune


  1. I would have both…There are some people who are rigid in their ways and stiff necked, but on the other hand you need to be reliable too.

    Best thing I can think of on the spot is to avoid making promises you may not be able to keep or to be honest with what you commit to…

    I made an appointment for one day, my husband went into hospital and could not keep the appointment…
    It is life.

  2. I am more a flexible person. I also think it’s good to have changes in different stages in our life, and all these changes actually make us grow.
