a buddy of mine saw the previous version of this and thought she had a toothbrush, so obviously I need to do something to call attention to the blade. but otherwise, which postwork treatment do you prefer?
which look suits her best?
dark haze
I prefer the infernal version, there is an air of mystery about it. Nice post, I liked all the images
thanks for saying so
In the end, I decided to click Infernal
fun look paired with a fun title
That is the best way to invite bees.
I’ve got honey, all the bees know it
should this piece be cute?
what is this, blackmail?
Went with infernal, great look and the blade adds a little something-something to it for sure.
I am going to tweak the blade to make it more prominent
For my taste, the original is the best – although they are all great
thanks for saying so…
I speak only the truth, my friend
I wish more folks saw your truth
I like the hell of a lot, even though they’re all good
that is kind of you to say
I like the original best! Interesting the Amazon ads for this post are knives!
the ads I get for you are dad jokes
That is a sad commentary on me. I was laughing that the ad placement by google was knives though.
it makes sense now. I was on your ad post wondering why knives, when I haven’t posted any fantasy in a while…
it is in the parsed title, part of what ad sense looks at.
I decided for the internal because it has the most saturated colors.
yes, it does have a rich palette
I went with infernal since the colors of light and dark worked great together.
very contrasty, eh? punch up the figure, knock out the background…
That is the truth of this story.
one way or another, I will capture your eye
The look of the character does capture my eyes.
this looks like the current theme at Yoworld about paranormal activities. I am decorating Haunted Hospital at Yoworld. I put a checkered floor in one of the rooms and old walls, with ghosts crawling out from basement stairs and hole in walls.
because nothing says paranormal like springtime
i am also decorating a haunted UFO in Yoworld…
haunted UFO? dual genre mashup…