Once upon a time, I decided I didn’t want to do another JK with a katana; rather, I decided to do something realistic- a student with a progressive knife, since that is something Japanese students actually have. And then I never worked on it again. Until now…
prog knife chick – WIP
Alex Ledante
7 Votes
Animehello kittyhorrormangaotakuprogressive knifesanrioseifukustudentWIP
The look of the lady in this image is even better than the female character that was in the bathroom.
this girl and Grace are in peril, but usually I prefer to work with women who are equal to the danger
Looks good with more saturation.
it does, doesn’t it?
The darker areas on the work give it more power.
I am learning to to lead the eye…
That what makes the image of the character look even better.
I have different techniques for doing this, it gets exciting when I can use them in conjunction
That is what makes artwork great. The combination of colors and shades of them.