I’ve finally decided to join a challenge and I want to start with Ileana Calotescu’s Macro Monday. My first entry on this challenge is another old picture, frozen water with some snow flakes on it. I hope you like it and please visit Ileana’s topics, she is a great virilian and she always posts amazing pictures! #Ileana56
P.S. I’m using my phone, I don’t know if the tag thing will work properly.
We don’t get snow here and very rarely ice
That’s a good thing, ice is very dangerous. Snow can be dangerous too, especially if there is too much of it. Pretty, but still dangerous.
Snow and ice are beautiful to look at, but can be dangerous to roads and health.
Yup and that’s true everywhere. We had some roads covered by ice and it was not a funny experience…
I love to see and touch personally snow and snowflakes for we don’t have in our country. We have only two seasons, dry and rainy.
I love snowflakes and I love winter. But I would also love to visit a country with different weather, it would be awesome!
Like winter, but in small dozez – without too much ice

That’s the best way to enjoy winter ?. I love ice and snow, sometimes they bring a magical world to life.
Geez. I’ve been waiting for your next post after Toys, but instead missed it when it happened!
Your photos are unique and make me curious!
This is a very nice compliment, thank you! I’m actually taking baby steps here, trying to be a little more active. I love this site and some of the people here are amazing persons. Fun to watch, always saying something interesting and making me think. And I love the challenges and pictures, many stories, polls and quizzes. Hopefully, I’ll be able to bring my contribution to this site ?.
Indeed, it’s fun to watch, read, and try to understand friends here. Besides that, I also often see your name appear in my notification, unfortunately, there is no new post for me to read until this post. I am happy if you are active here, my friend.
I need more time, my day job and my family take almost all my time. And it’s ok, this is supposed to happen ?. But I also love this site and I would like to do more. As I said, I’m taking baby steps ?.
Thank you, Albert, we’ll definitely meet here every day (well, maybe except the weekends), I love your posts and I’ll keep popping up in your notifications ?.
I can really understand your reasons, Gogata. Well, everyone has their own limitations, right? And indeed, a family is a top priority.
Once again, I thank you for all your visits to my posts so far.
Great first entry for the Macro challenge, the photo turned out well.
Thank you! I love macro photography, but I need a better camera, not a 3 Mega pixels one ?.
Thank you for your appreciation, Ionut and I’m glad you decided to take part in Macro Monday challenge. Your photo is beautiful!
And thank you, Ileana! I always admired your photos, they are great and I loved them. Joining the challenge is my way of showing how much I love your photos ?.
I don’t like winter, that’s why I moved to the desert
Well, I like all seasons ?. Winter always brings back happy memories from my childhood, hehe.
that is a healthy way to be
The beautiful picture even though I do not like winter
I like all seasons and winter is really amazing sometimes ?. Thank you, I’ll post another “frozen” photo next monday.
I can hardly wait for your next post ?
I have some nice photos that I want to post, maybe I’ll join other challenges as well ?.
Great photo! Winter is beautiful, but I don’t like it when it’s too long.
Thank you! I like winter, it’s a magical season. What I don’t like is rain in winter ?.
Oh, I get that. It’s been raining during the last few days here, over the snow, and the ground is so slippery, haha.
Yeah, not to mention the mud… This is an ugly weather, can’t wait to get some sunshine now ?.
Nice photo for the challenge. Love the way nature creates these photos ops for us.
Yup, I always thought nature is a great painter ?.