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International Cat Day and National Cat Day in the US

Worldwide, International Cat Day is celebrated on 8 August, but Us it celebrates together with national cat day today, on October 29th.

Somewhere I read that the unexpected appearance of a cat in human life scares away disaster. Maybe it’s the truth?

Lots of mysticism in cats, lots of freedom, healthy egoism and altruistic love, but not on-demand, but when heart calls to love. And how much zen and the art of living’s lessons are there for us humans – just have time to learn imitating cats.

I wish you a lovely meow day!

© Fortune, 2009

  • Question of

    Do cats teach you something?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you love cats?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

20 Points

Written by Fortune


  1. I have always wondered what one is expected to actually DO on “international” or “national” days that are apparently devoted to something, be it cats, badgers, lesser spotted bush babies or whatever. Whoever came up with the notion of making just about every day of the year the “day of” something? It’s as bad as the medieval idea of every day being devoted to a specific saint – and every bit as meaningless.

  2. Cats show me how to relax and stretch. Even though I am allergic to cats Runt (my cat) is very previous to me… I totally forgot to celebrate his cat day. I will catch up with a special treat to give him…

  3. I don’t love all cats and I love some! Let’s keep talking, commenting and viewing. We have to fight to keep it up. Write, post if can comment if you will share one social media.

  4. I love cats, Carol. I would love one, but I live so close to a main road, so not such a good idea to get one I think. =( But I do love cats very much. They are so clever.