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Happiness Jar

I have heard of others doing this every day of the year. I might give it a try this year. Each day write down something that made you happy. Put it in the jar. Then at the end of the year take them all out and read each one. 

You will hopefully see a year full of happiness. Even the smallest things can bring happiness. For me, just seeing a bird at my feeder makes me happy. It doesn’t take much. The little things in life are so important.

Photo from Pixabay. I have not made my jar yet.

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What do you think?

17 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. We have a blessing bowl, which is similar in many ways. It is filled with blessings and if you can’t think of your own to write down and move to the second bowl, you choose one read it and move it to the second bowl. We’ve been doing it for years.

  2. I think that is an interesting idea. I’ve ever also written regularly about it in a diary, and have also advised several clients to have each employee write small memos for others in the company for the good things they see or feel every day.

    Writing and putting it in a jar is really a good idea!

  3. It actually could be something shared on this site too, that would give someone something to post. I’m not consistent with sharing my gratitude list, but at some point I will look back at them. The tricky part is that I cannot share the same thing I chose before on my list.

    • I strive for peace and happiness every day, sometimes not knowing what form I will receive. Good idea about sharing on the site, another challenge perhaps. Just what we need. 🙂