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Fun Author tips and phone connections!

Fun Authors Tip: I highly recommend to all authors, that you go back and share your old posts on social media (if you do share on social media). I am finding that some of the old posts that are shared generate fairly good views! I know a couple of other authors have also mentioned this.

Yesterday I was walking, keeping track of my steps with my phone when I realized I have been using an application for a while and haven’t talked about it. My sister introduced me to the application. It is called Sweatcoins. If you walk outside, Sweatcoins will track your steps, and when you walk outside, converts those steps into coins.

For the most part, the coins are worth much, but I enjoy donating my steps to good causes! If you have a Google Android phone or an iPhone and walk outside – try Sweatcoins!

There are several things I use on my pheon that add value to the way I use my phone. Looking back at the phone posts I’ve made, it has been more hardware-focused. I have talked about the many things you can attach or connect via Bluetooth to your phone. There are many great things you can connect to your phone physically. Many of the adds have specific functions that are used.

  • Nano 360 lets you connect to your phone and take 360-degree video and pictures.
  • ARRIM lets you create Augmented reality measurements.
  • Moasure lets you have a digital measuring tape.
  • FLIR allows you to see infrared images on your phone.

But the connection is also something that can be wireless. This includes wireless speakers, earbuds, and other things designed to convey information from your phone. I can honestly say that my prediction for 2022 and beyond is that fewer and fewer people will have and use computers. The reality is your cell phone will be the computer and screen you use the most, in 2 short years.

Fun Authors tip: did you know that when you share on Social Media sites, the things you share are there as long as you don’t delete them?

FUn Authors tip: SEO matters! (Search engine optimization). Go search one of your Virily post titles on Google and see what you find!!!!

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    Facebook gets more views for me (for other authors) how about you?

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    are you ready for Friday?

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What do you think?

15 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    Yes (1 votes) – 17%
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  2. I will have to go through my Virily posts one day. I would like to know what I first wrote about. I know I have all the material saved up in a folder but from that, it is difficult to find out what the first post was so I will just have to flip through all of my Virily pages. I also found things I had written during my life in Latvia before things changed for me and I think it might be of interest to add a note that it was written before things changed for me and might be on interest for others to see how I thought and wrote then.

  3. It looks like my answers are all over the place. Friday is a very busy workday for me and I am not prepared! So what am I doing here? Trying to get relaxed before I start.

    Did you mean are or aren’t? “For the most part, the coins are worth much, ” I think donating is an excellent idea.

    Loved the post, loved the idea – I need more focus on SEO and less on drama.


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