Silhouette Saturday is a fun challenge and I enjoyed it so much. Why? Because silhouette represents my other favorite, namely darkness.
In general, darkness is often identified with something evil, even though something evil can be in a place of light, carried out blatantly, and can be seen clearly.
As the definition says, the silhouette is the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light, or silhouette is the effect produced in photography because of the significant difference between the reflected light of the main object at the front of the image behind him. To produce a silhouette, light from the back of the object must be very bright then captured by measuring the luminance of the background light. That means, dark is the main character of all that exists, and we intend to see and enjoy the darkness.
As I say too often about duality, darkness is only a twin brother of light, where both are complementary. But, surely not everyone agrees.
What is your mood when you are in darkness in general?
I have Nyctophobia
afraid and worry
nothing special
I have no problem with the dark
feel peaceful
Users voted 5 times.
Q: What is your mood when you are in darkness in general?
I have no problem with the dark (4 votes) – 80%
feel peaceful (1 votes) – 20%
Beautiful picture. I have an uncomfortable feeling about the topic only in lonely street
Many people experience the same problem. What about darkness alone at home?
I experienced a burglary in my apartment so sometimes I do not feel most at home
Ahhh… I’m so sorry… Apparently, you have a bad experience…
I have a really bad experience. These experiences have remained in my memory …
Owh… Has it become a kind of trauma for you?
Yes, Albert. I’m still visiting a doctor because of it.
I am very concerned about your situation, Vidocka. Hopefully, you will recover quickly.
Thank you for caring. Health is slowly improving.
It depends on the location… darkness in my own house still makes me feel safe…
darkness outside … maybe not
That’s not too bad, my friend.
Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee
Psalm 139:12
You give a reference to the gospel verse that I don’t even remember at all! Are you a regular reader of the gospel?
Nope, but I did enjoy ecclesiastes and the psalms
Could it be that’s signs of godliness?
Sometimes I am very dark. I try not to stay there too long.
Sometimes I’m so dark even on the bright side…
Love your photo and I really enjoy the darkness with peace and quiet.
We both know that without seeing anything, quiet, calm and peace are easier to enjoy.
Yes we do, too bad many others have not realized this yet.
I call it “sensory addiction”… often misleading but it’s hard to realize…
I have no problem with the subject … it’s embarrassing only because I can not see anything
I know that you have no fear, my dear friend. In some people, the problem is fear because they can’t see anything.
This is the biggest problem of the topic … then they see who is not
I think this kind of problem is about what is wonted or habitual and what is not. Blind people, especially those who have not seen since birth, are not afraid of darkness because they do not even know darkness themselves.