This is another contribution to the challenge of crazy color. Carnations are used in addition to high simple varieties of geranium Pelargonium and frequently decorated farmhouse. Best thrive in the morning or late afternoon sun. Carnations were last plants, we have the already strong salty brought to hibernate. Carnation comprises more than 300 different species. Carnations are annuals, biennials or perennials. The flowers have a strong and distinctive smell.
Question of
Do you know the carnation?
Question of
Do you like flowers?
I love carnations, they are very fragrant indeed.
I agree.I have some on the window sill
Mum grew carnations and often when flowers were given to her she took the end of the carnation and put it in the ground and it grew.
I know this because my mother used to grow carnations as well.
Carnations remind me of… wait what were we talking about?
We were talking about carnations ?
oh right. yeah, I don’t have any memories of carnations…
I love carnations, they last so long, one of my favs.
Totally agree. Carnations are really durable.
These are probably true Gorenjska carnations, dear Vida
Yes, Lado, you are right.
Ever since I was at Virily, I have met many flowers that I have never seen before, dear Vida
Yes, man has been learning all his life
And in the end, the stupid dies, dear Vida …
I agree. We have such a proverb
I love their scent. I like them because as a bouquet they last a long time in a vase.
I agree. Like a bouquet, they are truly unique.
These carnations look lovely
Thank you. I’m glad you liked them
Light red carnations represent admiration, while dark red denote deep love and affection
Thank you for additional information
I love flowers, they are a part of our wonderful nature
I don’t imagine what life without flowers would be like
Carnations have always been one of my favorite flowers. Lovely photo.
Thank you, Linda. I really like them too
Carnations are easy to grow as well besides being so lovely.
I agree with you, they are really very unpretentious
Amazing picture, Carnations are beautiful flowers. I give them to my wife from time to time (she prefers Tulips).
Your wife knows which flowers are best ?
she does very much. I love to buy her flowers just to see her smile!
Hahaha, all women are similar when it comes to flowers
We started a tradition many years ago. I don’t buy her flowers for Valentines or our anniversary.
I buy her just because flowers.
Carnations remind me of my engagement
Thank you so much for your comment