Today, I decided to try what kind of ornamentals nettles in black and white look. I have to admit that the colors look much better. Ornamental nettle is a one-year-old plant that grows from 30 to 60 cm and is interesting because of the vibrant leaves that are booming in all color shades. Each garden and balcony are spread Beautifies every garden and balcony. The ornamental nettle thrives in sunny places. It is a durable plant that also transfers irregular care. They are suitable for different combinations. They are beautiful together with sweet potatoes, which have light green cardiac leaves, begonias, ornamental grasses.
Question of
Do you know that plant?
Question of
Do you have this plant in the garden?
Thank you so much. It surely looks different in colors
Very beautiful & unusual plant for me, never seen it before.
Thank you, Anastasia. I’m glad you like it
I have seen this plant, looks unusual 🙂
I agree. It’s really special
We know it as coleus here and I started some from seeds this year and they are doing well in the garden
I had it in the apartment. I do not know whether she would thrive in the garden.
I had the plant before I moved into the current house. It’s a plant with many benefits.
I had it before time. I do not have it at the moment.
We usually have this plant in pots as a houseplant but it looks very nice..Great photo. I have yet still to try to grow it from my neighbours leaf, she has one by her door step.
I also had it in pots and this in the apartment.
I love coleus they are easy to grow and great to look at .
I agree. They are not particularly demanding
No i don’t know this plant neither i have it in my garden,
I understand. You can not know all the plants. ?
Lovely plant. I had these back in Latvia in my garden there.
Thank you. I had it in the apartment.
For my taste, the color is much more beautiful, dear Vida
Thank you, Lado. Each has its own flavor.
I agree with this, dear Vidocka … I am only interested in … do you prefer black and white pictures?
No, I prefer color images ….
I also have a lot of color pictures
I’ve never had or seen them… lovely photo !!
Thank you very much. Maybe you do not have them in your country.
I already have this flower in a pot on my terrace. In lilac and red. It’s still small but I’ll take a picture.
I had them in the past too. I do not have them at the moment.
hard to choose between the two, nice in color, cool in B&W. Can I pick both?
You can choose both. ? Some people do not like pictures in black and white.
I like both of them! It is fun to see the same picture both ways!
These are great. I have had them before but not now. Nice photos for the challenge.
Thank you, Carol. I had them in the past too.
Very nice decorative nettles.
Thank you very much, Branka