When it comes to fantasy illustration, one of the things that separates the men from the boys is how they depict magic. I am currently trying to expand my skillset in this area. Perhaps you’d be inclined to help me separate the wheat from the chaff?
Do you like this depiction of magic?
I always love how you pick the perfect expressions. Awesome work!
It is my background in portraiture…
Fascinating!!! Her look causes me an association with some kind of modern “Alice in Wonderland”.
I really gotta get back to my wonderland project
Surely you should do it!!!
I really do. So many ideas, so little time…
This is really good…
That’s really nice of you to say
The first thing I want to say is, “Awesome!”
I like how the image looks more like your character is simply utilizing highly advanced technology because, after you strip the old poetry away, that’s what magic is – technology.
Arthur C Clarke said it best! “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
He did say that, did he not? And, magic, being very real, is actually very advanced technology.
Well done on this. I think CarolDM makes a good point too, about the eyes.
If magic is really advanced technology, then it is simply a misnomer…
Yup. It is, actually. But some things were just too much for those beings we call the Gods to explain to primitive man. We are still very primitive.
Not sure you need much help. But her eyes could be a little more alluring perhaps.
Don’t know why I didn’t make the highlights blue…
I am sure you will be making more changes.
No way in hell I can call it a day as-is…
You are your own harshest critic. This is actually quite good.
Since you quote authors, remember what Dr. Stephen R (?) Covey said, “Do not let perfect become the enemy of good enough.”
All I see is wheat, I like it!
Obviously I need to provide some options so you have a basis for comparison…
I do think the magical effects can be enhanced a little more…
And she kinda lacks the aura…
But still good posture of the lady
agreed, she has good foundation but is lacking in the flourish department
I do think the magical effects can be enhanced a little more…
And she kinda lacks the aura…
But still posture of the lady
Looks like a seductive sorcery meeting with future science. Or the reincarnation of the Atlantis nymph. But then again she looks a lot like Chucky in the face.
Friends to the end: Hidey-hi-dee-ho!
Alex, this is really good. What application do you do your digital art in?
I do all my 3D work in Daz Studio but there is quite a bit of postwork…
Impressive. Do you ever print your creations? (onto paper or 3d?)
The female character has the tools to be a great magician.
I think the effect needs some more work
You are right she reminds me of D C Comic heroine Zatanna.
She isn’t wearing a tux or a top hat or anything like that…
That is true. That is why I like Zatanna since the hat makes her look cool.
Its all wheat, but what is the significance of the webbed hand?
She doesn’t have webbed hands, she’s just making the gestures that are the magic equivalent of a mudra. Do they really read as webbed?
Yep. Her left hand is fine, but the raised right hand needs work, in my own I-can’t-paint-worth-a-tinkle-but-tell-others-what-to-do opinion.
You have eyes, you see hands all the time so you have some experience here. You just may not be able to describe exactly what is wrong or how to fix it…
Maybe she can be my close friends.
I think she will be very successful casting spells.
Are you going to take advantage of her skills, too, Paul?
I hope so, but I’m not a fan of her current implementation
You really want to make friends with a thaumaturge?
I am willing and able to be friends with anyone…
Some professions are pretty insular and they just all hang out together. Ever noticed law enforcement types usually just hang out with eachother kinda exclusively? The magi are even moreso
They are just drama actor who only seeks the benefits of the victims.
No we aren’t. 🙂 Not very much at all.
Unless I just misunderstand what you are saying. That happens a lot, too.