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An airplane is flying over my house

Since I live relatively close to Jože Pučnik-Ljublan’s airport, I often fly over my house and sometimes it is very low. I do not know how this is arranged, only 1x take off in the direction where our two of you take off and land in the opposite direction. Some large airplanes are very loud and disturbed by other smaller ones, but they are quite good. Not long ago, transport was very rare, and only a few aircraft a day since joining the European Union, traffic has increased by around 200% and life is sometimes becoming a must. But we are slowly getting used to and living a normal life. At night traffic slows down or is directed to another site.

  • Question of

    Do you live near the airport?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you disturbed by the noise of aircraft?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

25 Points

Written by lado


    • They fly most often in the opposite direction … occasionally also over my house … if it’s not very big, I simply do not react at all …

  1. When I was a child we were staying very close to an airport. At first the noise was deafening but eventually we got so used to it we barely noticed when a plane was passing.

    • So I also used to learn that I do not even hear smaller aircraft … other than what’s really great … but usually cargo airplanes

    • Eventually, you get used to everything .. they also change the takeoff direction so that they take off in the opposite direction at night

    • In principle, it does not bother too much … when the flight over my house is already quite high so that the ropot is no longer so annoying

  2. I ever have stayed a few days in a friend’s house that lives outside the airport… Wow… With the very high frequency of planes that take off and landing, it becomes big noise pollution. How about you, dear friend?

  3. Just dropping by to say thanks for checking my posts here. I am not currently active in Virily. I just come here to read friends’s posts as show of support.

    Nice article btw.

    • Thanks for seeing and kind comment….When I have time I will look at all your posts I will not just comment … a beautiful ghost

  4. As many planes must take off as land – otherwise there would soon be no room for any more! Wind direction may effect the route that planes take when landing or taking off – planes can turn very quickly after leaving the ground if they have to.

    • The direction of the wind has a lot of influence in which direction the plane will take off … as well as the inhabitants began to criticize the noise, and now it is a little better