The eye is one of the most fascinating organs through which we receive 90% of the information from the environment. The eye allows us to enjoy the world around us. You have certainly heard many times about interesting eyes that surprised you, made you laugh, or seemed amazing. In fact, the eye is a complex organ that consists of seven major parts that play a role in transmitting information to the brain and the ability to sense light. Some interesting facts about the human eye
The human eye distinguishes 500 shades of gray.
The cornea is the only tissue in the human eye that has no blood vessels.
Of all the muscles in our body, the eye muscles are the most active. They move 100,000 times a day.
An adult contains about 12 million photoreceptors (cells that are sensitive to light).
We can’t sneeze with our eyes open.
The most common damage caused by the use of cosmetics is caused by a mascara brush.
While staring at a computer screen for a long time does not damage your eyes, it does make them very tired. At that time, it is less often blurred, so the mucous membranes dry out faster, resulting in more tense and tired eyes.
On average, people read 25 times slower on a computer screen than on paper.
Diabetes is often diagnosed during eye examinations. It is also one of the most common causes of blindness in adults.
The most common eye color is brown.
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Heard some of these facts, but didn’t know about the connection of diabetes & blindness. Thank you so much for this very useful article!!!
Thank you very much. Also, I have never heard of some facts.
The eyes are said to be the mirror of our internal organs.
I agree because I read a lot about these facts.
Eye health is important and so is a regular check up of eyes. I go every 2 years.
I agree. I also visit the doctor several times
The Ayes have it! We live sometimes in a visual world, the eyes being more than the windows to the soul.
Love the facts and great addition!!!!
Thank you so much for the encouraging comment. We can really see a lot in our eyes.
it is a visual world, one that often forgets the sounds around it.
I have read quite a bit about the eye in college. Informative article.
Thank you so much. I read more now because I have more time
depending on font size and other factors, I read about the same speed regardless…
I think I read just as fast
that was a strange claim to make. in fact, since text is backlit on a monitor it may be easier to read…
Very interesting information. I have blue eyes like my dad did and my mom had brown eyes.
Thank you, Sandra. I have brown ones.
Very interesting information. I have black eyes (lol)
I don’t know if I’ve seen black eyes before. I have brown ones.
Very interesting, dear Vidocka … I heard some things for the first time
Thank you, Lado. Some facts are quite interesting
So your post was interesting too, dar Vida
Thank you, Lado. I hope it’s really interesting.
Very interesting, dear Vida
I have read all of the before except the one about reading slower on the computer. This was very interesting.
Thank you, Carol. I just found some interesting facts today
Some time eyes speak a lot which no body understand but very few
I agree. Our eyes tell a lot