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Tara National Park (Serbia)


According to one of the legends, the Tara mountain was named after Tara, the god of the Illyrian tribe Autariata. Because of beauty, Tar selected this mountain to build its divine throne on it.

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This park is located in southwestern Serbia. Because of the favorable climate, many rare plants have survived here. Because of the beautiful nature, coniferous forests, unique flora and fauna, Tara was proclaimed in 1981. as a national park.

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On the tara there is Lake Zaovine, which has amazing beauty. Near the lake is Zaovine village. About this village there are documents since 1834.  In 1876. the famous Serbian botanist Josif Pančić discovered the endemic species of conifers. He gave her the name of Pancic’s spruce.

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There are 53 species of mammals and 153 species of birds. Bears, deer and wild goats are especially protected.

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There are 18 mountain walking routes on Tara and 27 bicycle trails. Special pleasure is fishing in Tara waters.

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The average Tare height is 1200 m. Tourism has been developed and can be skiing during winter. The length of the ski track is 3 to 5 km.

In the park there are archaeological sites from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages.

You need to experience Tara, feel the ground under your feet and breathe its scents. She can be cruel as a wolf, but gentle like a roe.

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Welcome to this unique place of natural beauty.


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Written by marija64


  1. Very beautiful pictures, my dear! I’m glad to see you and I wish you to be blessed this New Year with inner peace, true love and unconditioned joy! Happy New Year 2018! ???
