If you think that the existence of haunted houses is merely a fairy tale spun by over imaginative minds think again. All over the world there are buildings and sites that are classified as “haunted” for many years and even centuries. Many of these buildings include asylums and castles in the haunted category. Here are four well known real life haunted places.

<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://ga.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%8Domh%C3%A1:Castle_Leap,_Birr,_Ireland.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://ga.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%8Domh%C3%A1:Castle_Leap,_Birr,_Ireland.jpg</a>
Leap Castle in Ireland holds some haunted secrets and for good reason. The castle was home to many prisoners and prisoner executions. In addition Leap castle has several spirits with it most famous resident, referred to only as “It” The apparition usually makes its entrance in a cloud of foul aromas and is described as small grey colored person whose face is in a state of decay. There have been reports of sightings by visitors and even the occasional attack by the It being.

<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Entr%C3%A9e_cimeti%C3%A8re_p_lachaise.jpg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Entr%C3%A9e_cimeti%C3%A8re_p_lachaise.jpg</a>
Pere Lachaise Cemetery in France is very popular among thrill seekers. Not only is the cemetery said to be full of ghosts and other apparitions, but it practically sends chills up one’s spine. Would you rather see or feel the unworldly apparitions? Experiences of uncontrollable shivering and uneasy feelings are numerous. This could probably be just a reaction to the knowledge that Pere Lachaise Cemetery is ranked among the most haunted cemeteries in the world.

<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://pxhere.com/vi/photo/1003775" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://pxhere.com/vi/photo/1003775</a>
Forbidden City is another well known haunted house that dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The Forbidden City was the former Chinese imperial palace until the end of the Qing dynasty. What makes the Forbidden City haunted? How about maids a walking and eunuchs sightings? Like so many haunted houses, the history of the Forbidden City is a bloody one. Servants and concubines were engaged in an all out battle that involved every devious act including killing each other to secure favors from the imperial masters.

<a data-snax-placeholder="Source" class="snax-figure-source" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Cristo_Homestead" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Cristo_Homestead</a>
Monte Cristo Homestead in Junee New South Wales has fascinated may ghost hunters over the years and is considered Australia’s most haunted house. The home sees thousands of visitors annually hoping to catch a glimpse of the homestead’s ghostly residents. The sprawling mansion, built in the 1900 by the Crawleys, is associated with many haunting tales and 7 deaths during the 1800’s. Stories told by visitors and occupants include mysterious lights, difficulty using the stairs as though it is blocked, Ghostly voices and the discovery of dead and mutilated kittens in one room.
Haunted houses and places are very popular among thrill seekers. Haunted houses offer not only the possibility of a sighting but a glimpse into the often tragic history of the inhabitants which makes for a mystery filled adventure.
Interesting information. I didn’t know there were such places.
I will certainly make a point of visiting them if I am in that country
Great post to read. Thanks for sharing it here.
You are welcome, it was scary fun doing it
I know there are many around the world. I have never visited any but would be intrigued.
Yes it would be quite the experience.
Haunted places make such wonderful tourist attractions.
They are great attractions but I usually go for the less scary ones.
There are indeed and even here we have some. I visited one but never felt the vibe
I do believe that there haunted houses around the globe. I had seen and experience their presence in old houses in my country.
Great post.This sounds scary indeed!
Thanks. I would be tempted to visit some of these places (with a large group) of course.
Seville should definitely be on the list! I did not know about this before moving there, however I heard a lot of stories like this and I was shocked! This sounds scary indeed!
There are so many around the world and some interesting stories too,
Yes, there are certainly a lot of haunted places in our world. Certainly, around where I live there are many haunted buildings. I’d love to spend the night in one!
I am not quite as adventurous. The interest me but I would probably have to visit with a group of people.
Great post. I love a good mystery. There are these pretty scary places, especially asylums and similar places.
It seems that asylums, hospitals, jails and hotels always make the list. I can only imagine the terrible things that went on that is keep all these ghost from resting peacefully