This is the neighbour’s cat Joel, he is a very personable cat and as a kitten made sure he made friends with us.
I give him some cat biscuits and he makes sure that we don’t forget him.
There was an anxious moment when a stray grey and white cat bit him on the leg. At first I thought a car hit him but it was a bad bite that made him limp. His owner, Fossie rubbed aloe vera on his injured leg and now he has completely healed.
Very nice cat dear Pamela
Thanks so much Lado, glad you like it
With great pleasure dear friend
Thanks Tasartcraft, Joel is cute
He or she ? ………….
Joel, is definetly a boy. He has been neutered too
ok so you are great at more than a bird and natural beauty pictures. What a fantastic capture of the neighbor’s cat!
Glad to see Joel looking very healthy. Also glad to know that Fossie knew what to do.
Thanks that perch used to be the base of a bird bath but people pinched the top part
I am glad to see that Joel has been healed by the power of aloe. Joel looks a lot like my sister’s cat Mumps who is female.
Thanks so much for your kind comment Deepizzaguy
You are very welcome since I like cats and dogs as pets.
the healing power of aloe!
Yes, it certainly does heal. Fossie is a Samoan woman and a kind but really wise soul
I was blown away when I found out how useful those things are
Yes, I grow them in the garden and find herbs really great for cooking and healing but always pays to use in moderation with some things
sure, that’s a solid stance
Gardens have food and herbs, with knowledge and applications it saves on a lot of expense.
A cute cat. I often visit neighbors’ cats. Cats know very well where they will get a treat.
Yes, they do, this cat as a kitten , well I did not want anything to do with it. However, alone in the garden and then suddenly some fur would rub on my leg and Joel would be there with me.
I guess Joel had his way .
glad he is fine now … poor cat
Thanks Alibb, yes he is fine, although I see the grey & white cat around he still bites Joel and other cats. That cat bit the side off a dogs face, the dog tried to protect his son and got the impact of the bite he was put on antibiotics. This cat also killed another cat here, Harry, sad I don’t blame the stray cat, its the former owners that have abandoned it
Oh my, the cat seems rather violent …
What a perfect perch Joel has and he has been taken care of, great to hear. My cow photo should have been named for the Critter challenge.