Lake Hodges is located in Escondido, California. The Kumeyaay people occupied the land for centuries.
When the dam was being built in 1916, the Kumeyaay told a story of a river moster living in the old San Dieguito River. Some say it was all a hoax to keep the dam from being built, but more and more stories were being told, not only by the natives but by the dam builders. Our own version of the Loch nes moster? lol
Don’t you just love an good old story?
Anyway, here are some of the pictures I took.

This was the pups first time here.

Meika has been here once, she heads straight to the water, as my son checks out the fishing conditions….

Luna, with only three feet touching the ground!

She believes in the River MONSTER, it’s in there!

This called to be in black and white.
And some with color.

The trees have cloud toppers!

See the water line on the other side? The lake is very low right now.

Where I am standing, was once way under the water.

Another black and white.

Some poor dear lost his soul here..

And some dog from long ago lost some tennis balls..
I didn’t know what the balls were at first. But you can barely see some of the left over bright yellow/green fuzz one.
Meika told Luna that it would be okay to get in the water where the old reeds were. The monster won’t find them here.

Meikas ancestors, the wolf lived with the Native Americans. She’s heard stories told from the elders that the monster is real. Beware..

It is much safer on land for sure.

Back when the dam was built they had to flood some old homesteads. With the water so clear, too bad they won’t let you scuba dive this body of water.

I found some old tile pieces on the shoreline. One was adobe the other ceramic, both were very old.

Speaking of River Monsters, elders and old stories, the wind came up. It was very strong gust of wind lasting a few minutes, making the whole lakes water ripple.

Except for this one spot.. Odd that it would stay calm in a circle..

I even took a black and white.
We ended up staying around 5 hours. The dogs finally got tired at about the 5th hour. lol
This little place was on the way out. It was so pretty.

Another great journey with lots of great photos! Thank you for taking us along again
Thanks Mom, I try to stay away from the touristy places.. This area of the lake is almost deserted. My kind of place!!
As always, you give me serious California-envy!These are wonderful photos, really conjuring up the place for me. Those are two great dogs 🙂
By the time I get done you wont need to come across the lake Norman. lol But we would still love to have the family come over.
Wow what a journey you took us on. I loved it Kim. Your dogs are so lucky to have you as their Mom. What an incredible place you found. Love all of the photos!
Thank you Carol. I really appreciate it. They are spoiled a bit. lol The pup, I swear was asking to go somewhere the other day. She kept begging, I tried everything. Food, Water, Potty.. Treats even. I just know she was asking to go somewhere, and didn’t know how to get the message across.
I love exploring the magic of old stories! Too bad you did see Nessa!
I kept waiting for her to splash up out of that calm area. Grins.
Very interesting post! Nice photos!
Thank you for saying so Milenazoran. : )