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Nature Tuesday

I hope everyone is having a great Tuesday. Do you have any nature type photos or stories to share? 

Here are a few I came across when I was looking for something to post. I have posted them before a while back. I cropped them a bit closer, and edited the cover. Enjoy. 

#1 Do you know what this is?

It is found in nature. 

#2 Peek a Boo Frog!

The above was a tadpole that turned into this cute little frog and then released. It was a project for my grandson. He had a blast watching it turn from a tiny black tadpole to this. 


What do you think?

Written by Kim_Johnson


    • My grandson really loved it, and was happy to release him back to the stream. We hiked down and did a whole farewell to him. lol He was in a terrarium, the cats didnt pay any attention to him. They are used to fish tanks.
