The pollen of many plants is transported by air after being released from the slopes or cones shaken by the wind. Water also serves as a means of transporting pollen to some aquatic plants. As the result of pollination by air is unpredictable, trees and other plants that depend on such pollination produce huge amounts of pollen. * For people who have hay fever, this abundance causes great problems.
Although wind is an effective tool for pollination of many types of trees and grasses, the colorful plants that do not grow very busy need a more efficient way of pollination. How can pollen from such plants reach out to others of the same kind that are miles away? With the help of excellent courier services offered by bats, birds and insects! But of course they do not carry the pollen from one flower to another without getting paid for their labor.
Flowers offer these pollinators a delicious nectar that they can not resist. As they try to reach him, they always adhere a lot of pollen on their bodies. When they go looking for another nectar, they take the pollen to the next flower.
Pollination is most often done by insects, especially in moderate climates. These small workers visit countless flowers every day, feeding on nectar and pollen. * Professor May Beerbaum says, “Maybe the most important contribution of insects to the health and vitality of humans is something that is rarely evaluated, namely pollination “Usually, the colors of the orchard trees depend on cross-pollination to give a rich harvest. So we see how important it is for people to transport pollen.