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Black and White

I am talking about photography. I love Black and White photography. Some photos just need to be in Black and White. Black and white was once the only means we had to communicate, photographically. That was long before most of us got involved with it. But for some of us, B&W is how we started off in photography, and how we saw our images in print. I only just started a few year back, but I can really appreciate the art work of Black and White Photography.

Below I have picked out some of my favorite Black and Whites. Paired with some of my favorite quotes.

“A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed.” – Ansel Adams

(All photos are taken by me). This is Lilith my “Grand Dog”.

This old tow truck needed to be black and white.

Along with this old school house.

I have noticed, that when I take photos of old stuff, I like to turn a few into Black and White ones. It just seems to fit, ya know?

I have some property in the desert side of San Diego County,  this area is a great place to shoot black and whites. 

The one below looks like a black and white that I added a green filter to. Not so, this is full color on a very foggy morning, straight out of the camera with no edit. 

Foggy hazy days look good in black and white or sepia like the one below, that is the sun over the second palm. 

Flowers always look good in black and white.

People as well, look great in black and white.

Hope you enjoyed these Black and Whites!


What do you think?

16 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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  1. Some black and white photos can make your day colorless and free of “add-ons”. They simply bring the mood and beauty of shared happiness, carefree childhood, friendship, love, maternity …

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