Thank you friends without you, that was not possible. Thank you and the virily that though shortening delays we have the occasion to be happy.
Congratulations to everyone who has a payment today. And the other success.
© 2019-Elenka Smilenova All Rights Reserved
Congratulations! You really deserve it! It is really convincing and inviting that people here are being paid religiously. God bless and more power! 🙂
That’s good to know you got a payment, well done. I’m not yet at my $10 limit, but hope to be soon. I had a payment once before, so I’m pleased with that. =)
Just keep this as an incentive and be more active. Thank you and good luck.
Congratulations Elenka, this is great news. You worked hard for it and deserve it.
Without all of you there are no achievements
Congratulations and thanks also to you. I also received a payment.
Congratulations and thanks vidocka
Congratulations, my friend !!!
Thanks Branka Drobnjak
Congrats dear, I received mine too.
Fortune greetings to you too. Thanks.
That’s beautiful. Virily does keep its promise to pay members.
Although late this month there are no problems with payments.
Good , enjoy and relax and have a cup of coffee now
I prefer a glass of cold white wine.
Congratulations, dear Elenka … I also received a payment
Congratulations to you too.
felicidades disfrútalo con salud y compra un helado
I will not buy ice cream, I do not love it. Two more payments and I will buy another battery for Nikon. Thanks.
Congrats to you my friend, I also received mine. Happy we can help each other!
We need to be active and help. I’m glad you got your payment.
So glad for you, Congrats!!
I hope we all get payments 😀
We all have labored, we deserve our payments.
I’m glad of your payment.
I know how much we all are doing here.
Thanks Robin. Without you my friends, that would not be a reality.
Happy to hear you received payment. I just received a notification of my earnings. I earned over 15.00 so I am pleased. Great job!
That’s great baby. As they say better than nothing.
My mother always teaches on that saying, ‘It is better than nothing.’ Have a great day!
Congratulations to you! I am always happy to know the members are paid as that means this platform is legit. I am looking forward to my payment, perhaps two months later. ^_^
Be patient and be a regular participant. If you have the opportunity of course. And your moment will come when you will be happy.