The image of the word Change alone scares people. They want to stay locked up into their room. They want to eat the same foods even, The style of their clothes sometimes never changes either. They never want to make any new friends. They never want to go anywhere and learn about different things. I would like to tell people that tend to be of this nature to:
Take a class about art, photography, or maybe even a cooking class.
Take daily walks and talk to the neighbors.
Cook or draw with a friend or loved one.
Watch a new type of television show.
Maybe decorate a certain room with new paints etc.
The list could go on and on.
Is it TIME for a change, or to stay without different interesting in your life. Make a change or don’t live life to the fullest. But, if you enjoy staying the same, and can still feel complete then staying the same is a great way to be. if You feel caught-up in the hustle and bustle of the world today, and feel to drained about life, feel free to try a few or all of my suggestion to help change take on whole new meaning.
Image Credit-Pixbay
This is a great article. It doesn’t apply to me though, as I am dying to make changes, but can’t do it at present – always seem to be thwarted at every turn! I don’t know what to do. Hopefully I will get some help or inspiration soon from somewhere.
The perfect time will come Maggie to step out of what stresses you. Stand strong, and be brave!
Thank you LaJenna. Yes, I need to be patient.
Change, it happens anyway. We all may as well accept change and keep growing.
You are so right ghostwriter about your thoughts.
A motivational post! Change is sometimes felt as collapse but it is necessary. Also small changes are important. The decision to make changes in life is a fertile area for a new venture!
Thank you so much for this thought provoking comment.
yes, the list goes on… Let’s break the routine!
Thank you mavic123456 for sharing your thoughts.
Stagnation is a one way ticket to extinction
Thank you Alex for thee smart comment
having a wide area of interest is also healthy
Very wise and inspiring words!
Absolutely true that Jenna! Change is constant even if stay in the same routine.
Thank you Bradley for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
Change is always difficult but a necessity in life. Powerful reminder.
Thank you, Carol, for your wise comment.