I recall my Mom being very frustrated with me! I couldn’t seem to focus on life one day at a time. I remember her constantly reminding me that reaching a goal is a series of steps and you can only take one step at a time. I think my Mom would be happy to know that I have finally figured out that nothing great happens overnight. It is created by you and others taking steps that make a difference.
So today there will be another obstacle or circumstance that will help me grow and be a better person. It happens to you as well.
What is important, I believe, is that we give it our best shot — if we succeed, fine; if not, then let it go as another opportunity will soon come by. Success does not guarantee happiness – what it gives is that temporarily feeling of being elated that wears off after some time.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful words of advice from Booker T Washington.
I wish someone that I know could get through the obstacles in his life.
Yes it happens to all of us Trenna. A great quote to keep on your frig! Life has a way of throwing obstacles our way. But we eventually get through them, not around them, and come out on the other side stronger than ever. We just have to keep our heads held high. I know I make it sound easy but you know that I know it is never easy. A step at a time.
Well once you get the snowball rolling it gets better.
Yes. I’ve gotten to the point where when I wake up in the morning I say to myself: “Another day closer to heaven.” Then I carry on.
Mine is more like sure hope I can avoid hell.