
Love ItLove It

Finding Inspiration To Change

Most of us do live a life of luxury whether we believe it or not, just look back in time and see how far we have came for washing clothing, from creeks and rub boards to a machine that does it all for us Or the computers! We used to have to write letters and mail them, taking five to seven days to get to the person by the post office. Now we write, click and its there in an instant.

With that being said I would like to think about today and how life has become overwhelming with the life of excess and to much of everything always in our face.

We are overweight.

We are hoarders.

We spend money we do not have.

We buy expensive self help books. From low fat cooking to how to clean, organize and de-clutter. But those books do no good, we toss them onto a shelf and never put anything we read into action, it just seems to hard!

So, what do we do? Find inspiration through people, Yes, people. As bad as it may sound these people are sharing “their” story and we have always learned from one another (think school and teacher!) and one of the best ways is through t.v. Its real! No scripted bull crap just to get ratings, these shows have the real people with the real situations.

Who to look to for weight loss?

TLC network has a couple shows I find inspiring, people showing their bodies while being obese and after losing weight. One is “My 600 pound life” and the other is “Skin tight.”

You don`t just learn  “don`t do that or you will look like that person” but you see their struggle, you see what food did to their body, you see the pain they have to go through to get back down to a normal size person.

The inspiration is “if they can lose 400 pounds, I can lose 20 pounds!” And if you listen to Dr. Now you will hear, get up and go walk, move your body, any type of exercise, eat small portions and stay off the carbs.

Where To find Help with stuff and hoarding?

A&E network has a show called ” Hoarding, Buried Alive” and I find inspiration by watching and listening to these people tell, and show, their story.

Where I know I have never been bad enough to be on the show, I also know at one time if I had not stopped I would have made it. I was one of the “new stuff” hoarders. I did not grow up in a bad family and I did not grow up poor, nor did I have any mental issues, I just wanted stuff! Clothes and shoes was the biggest mess I got myself into, to many and not enough days or places to wear what I was buying. I also loved reading so I would by books, so I would always have a new book to read, but the problem was I never got rid of the one I had read, I did not get rid of my old clothes either.

I had know hoarders, the type that hoarded till it was rotten, or another that saved trash. I did not understand these people till I watched the show.

The show hoarders has helped me back to my minimal type lifestyle, while I am not a total minimalist, because I do have stuff, I know know what I have and not wonder what is in that tub in the closet or out in the shed.

I found inspiration, I listened to the doctors and the people who were helping put things in the dumpster. I had one yard sale after another, each time taking what was left to the thrift store and donating, or calling them ahead of time for the pick up at the end of the last day of the sale. I was not throwing anything away but allowing someone else to use what I no longer needed.

The biggest lesson I learned was I can read any book and not pay for it, use the library! Check it out and take it back. Even if you don`t see a book you want to read, ask! They will order it.

How About Overspending?

We buy to much food, we buy to many clothes, shoes and purses. “We buy to keep up with the Jones!”

My inspiration is Suzie Orman, one smart lady! She talked to me, yes me! and I changed my spending habits.

I actually started watching Suzie Orman in the PBS channel, for those who does not know what that is its “Public Broadcasting” channel, its free to watch, Usually on the t.v. as channel seven or ten. I learned how to handle finances when I was just in my twenties, early on I knew not to apply for a credit card. Not just because it was advised but I wanted so many other people abuse them, buying more and more and not really in need of any of it. To bad I did not listen till later about the other spending habits, but eventually it all began to sink in.

Suzie Orman shows you how to use your hard earned money to get the best in life, its as simple as that.

Now that I have shared who and what inspires me I am hoping that you can seek out inspiration, like I did, for what was keeping me down in life, all by just watching t.v. and applying what you hear to your own life.

By Andria Perry

Photos By Andria Perry


What do you think?

Written by Andria Perry


  1. Good for you, and wherever you get your inspiration from doesn’t matter, what matters is you did. And I am so proud of you. I am familiar with Hoarders, I watched it and my heart went out to these people. They are so misunderstood. Also familiar with Suzie Orman.

    • I agree but its getting where no one wants to help and just take. I give and give BUT I am also blessed by God so I know if no one helps me, God has me in his hand.

      • Those who live in the house of taking, are there for the reasons they know. I don’t judge those who believe they need take. I simply give what I can give. There is no scale of giving, simply that we can and should give.

  2. People often have a hard time understanding it, but we don’t watch TV. The nearest ‘local’ channel is 75 miles away and we have neither an antenna, cable TV, or dish TV. However, I get a lot of inspiration in just watching nature and reading the bible.

    • I can believe that. I know many people now use the computer to watch shows that are broadcast on t.v.

      I do find inspiration in nature and through God, but knowing someone else is struggling with the same problem, more severe, sometimes helps others to face the fact they can do something to help themselves, that all hope is not lost and they are not alone.

      • I suspect that I think about it differently than a lot of folks. To me, it is like Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” There is nothing that I can go through and no difficulty I can face that others haven’t or aren’t also facing, so I’m never alone with what I go through. I know what you mean, though. Knowing that someone else has overcome something can encourage you to overcome it too.
