This is #187 of the 365 day photo challenge. Anyone can join, just post a photo for 365 days.
This is what I ate for lunch today.I started out with some lettuce at the bottom. Then I added some tuna salad, sliced a strawberry on it, and some spinach. It filled me up, and I was confident I had not over eaten. I think this lunch was Keto friendly. I am finding myself eating slower with less effort since I have been eating this way. Keto is about putting your body into ketosis. Eating higher proteins and less carbs help the Keto lifestyle to work for many concerned about their weight, or just want to live a healthy lifestyle.
Click here to understand more about the Keto diet
I know it sounds questionable but it does taste great.
It’s probably great, but I just do not know how the strawberry fuels
I have been adding strawberries to my salads lately, and just added a few to this one, and surprising ly enough it was great.
I agree with the tuna and the spinach but I am not sure about the strawberry. I have never tried this combination.
I know it sounds odd, but it was tasty with the type of dressing I put on the bottom part of this salad.
Everything with strawberries taste nice!! LOL
I just love them!
Nice lunch 🙂
Taste strawberries like this, they taste great surprisingly.
Rocking the downhill slide to 365!
whoop whoop!
Eating better is a huge change! You are doing so well I am impressed!
Thank you Doc, your support helps me keep moving in the right direction.
New recipe in town , very good , I may give it try
awseome Witty Feeds, then post a picture of it. Use oil, vinegar and a little sugar or stevia
would never have thought to put strawberries in tuna salad
It tastes great using oil and vinegar with a little stevia for dressing for the lettuce. I didn’t put strawberries throughout the salad dressing. I just put a few on the top.
I don’t like sugar on anything, but even if I did…
Stevia is not sugar, but it is a plant that is used as a sugar alternative, due to helping foods taste sweeter. I was and still am the sweet one right lol.?
yep. hands down you are sweeter than I am…
This is a very light meal for the heat we have.
Looks great. The hotter it gets the lighter my meals are. Enjoy!
I tend to eat even lighter in the summer as well dear Carol. Thank you!
If you add oil, vinegar and Stevia for the dressing it taste great.
I have never tried strawberry with tuna before.
I never have until lately myself, I have found out I love eating salad with vinegar, oil and stevia, and then adding strawberries etc.
That looks very nice. I have never tried strawberry with tuna before, but it sounds interesting. I shall try this.
Use Vinegar, oil, and a little Stevia as the salad dressing.