<a href="http://www.fortressofsolitude.co.za/first-look-zazie-beetz-domino-deadpool-2/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>
I am just starting to wonder if there is some kind of curse on the set of the Marvel hero movie “Deadpool 2′ with the tragic death of a Black female stunt driver named Joi “SJ” Harris who passed away recently from injuries she suffered during a stunt gone wrong.
Harris was not wearing a motorcycle helmet during the shooting scene where is a stand in for actress Zazie Beets who plays the role of “Domino” in the motion picture. The reports are from the scene of the tragic accident was that Harris was supposed to slow down her motorcycle during the scene but for some unknown reason she sped up her motorcycle when it crashed.
I hate to say this to the studios but there are laws in America where all riders of motorcycles are required to wear helmets when they drive a motorcycle. Even though this is a movie, I cannot phantom how a stunt driver like the late SJ Harris did not take any steps to protect herself during the scene in the motion picture which at this time has halted due to the tragic events in Vancouver Canada this week.
I know that is a super hero movie but there is a difference in making a cartoon compared to a live action motion picture since a prop you can replace but not a human life.
To make matters worse, even though SJ was a veteran of motorcycle racing, the role in the Deadpool 2 movie was the first feature film that SJ starred in as the stuntwoman for Zazie Beets. Come on Hollywood wake up and please do not place the lives of stunt persons in danger by having them perform dangerous stunts in movies just to collect a dollar from the fans of this movie.
But then again being a Baby Boomer of 56 years of age who remembers when super hero cartoon characters like Superman, Batman, Robin, Batgirl and the Justice League Of America played the part of positive role models and not anti heroes.
Just remember this Hollywood studios this slogan “When you play with snakes, you get bit.” My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Joi Harris who is know in a much better place after her tragic death on the set of “Deadpool 2”.
Reading your writing, I wonder if film production can be an exception in legal practice?
That is a good question. All I know is that Ryan Reynolds was heartbroken over the death of S J Harris as well as the actresses who plays Domino.
What a tragedy.
I know what you mean. When I saw the news report on You Tube, it broke my heart how Ms. Harris lost her life.
Just a tragic accident on the set of the movie.
I have not watched this movie but I am sorry this woman died during the stunt. Its sad
Me too since the accident could have been avoided when I saw the news report on You Tube.
yes yes
A name like Deadpool is not exactly a name that sounds cool like my original characters the Isthmus Sisters (identical twins Donna and Debi) and the History Nut Panama Squirrel.
A tragic incident on a movie set.
One problem I have with this movie was that it was trying too hard to be funny. Some of the humor was just ridiculous and very bad taste
I heard that Deadpool is supposed to be anti hero with some crude words that would make the Wordgirl villain The Language Butcher sound like Abe Lincoln by comparison.