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Orange to Yellow – Color Crazy

Sunday is the last day to post for the yellow and orange week in the Color Crazy Challenge. It doesn’t matter which day it gets published.

 I am going through the colors of the rainbow for this challenge. We started off with red and orange the first week.

 The second week was Orange to Yellow, and next week I am introducing GREEN! So you can start posting for Yellow and Green week now as well. 

We will have a blend of colors reaching the end of the rainbow. Have fun and let’s color Virily!

 All you have to do is post some photos with the colors for the week, like these sunny Maple Trees my kids are walking beside. Make sure your title contains the words, “Color Crazy” post in the challenges category, and use the tag #colorcrazy so they will all be in one place and easy for others to view.  

This is December in Southern California, our trees are just turning their fall colors. I hope you enjoy! 


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson