This is a Fractal flame. It was created with Jwildfire software for PC. Its a free download and fairly easy to learn.
The Transform that was used in this one is called Mobius. Its a favorite among many Jwildfire users. By adding and changing the Variation and adding Final Transforms you can easily create some pretty cool Fractal flames.
Psychedelic! It’s very 70s…
Thank you
Beautiful creation Woody. Nice colors.
Thank you Carol
This one is one of my favorites too, so versatile and you certainly have been able to demonstrate that here mate, beautiful work!
Thank you Craig
Thanks everyone for all the views and comments.
You conquered my heart with this one :).
Thank you Kate
Beautiful art
Thank you Olga
I wish I could create images like that messing around…
This is really not hard.
WOW! Woody, you never disappoint. Your artwork speaks volumes about art, on a par with any of the great talents. Thank you for the share.
Thank you Andre
wow…another awesome creativity!
Thank you so much Helen
It’s amazing how beautiful mathematics can be!
Yes indeed and how addicting to create as well
HI and TY
Very nice. I can let myself get lost in this without feeling too disturbed 🙂
Thank you, this is a reduced low quality version the original is in 4K ultra high def and its mind boggling whats there that you dont see here.
You really have an interesting and different taste of art, woody 🙂
Thank you I try to keep it exciting as well as original, hard to do sometimes.
I really like this one, great work!
Thank you