Some of you may remember the Gigerpillar from some earlier posts. If you’re a fan of this design, then you should be happy to know that I have a final version. If you aren’t a fan, then you should be happy to know that I am almost done with this and you should only have to see it one more time…
Gigerpillar final design – WIP
Alex Ledante
9 Votes
alicealice projectbiomechanicalfantasyH R GigerhorrorMonarch CaterpillarpsychedelicWIPwonderland
Dark Alice design is perfect & Gigerpillar looks impressive with the glows on it’s body + beautiful hookah!!!
I am glad to know you don’t think he is evil
I can never tell which way you will decide
i like it but hi is good
I will keep working on it
nice one. did you use any of the photo editing software?
I used the ON1 suite for post processing