Some of you might remember the Alice Project that I’ve been not working on for quite some time. Not saying that this is a better way to do the masks, but it is another way to think of them…
Another Way – WIP
Alex Ledante
14 Votes
alice in wonderlandalice projectbonusfantasyhorrorMaskomakePOCtest renderwonderland
The fact that it was entirely different posts did not worry me. I have made some masks myself, but hand done.
sorry about that – i have to say that is a first. I post images all the time and have never had that issue.
Congrats on breaking new ground. Sorry it happened on this post.
this is stupid. the Russians invaded my other post. so perhaps you can only create one beautiful thing at a time?
I guess there is I like the shading and colour…
with the right snow effect, this could be even better