I have decided to start a Bluebird blog, for those who are interested in following my backyard bluebird experience.
Today, on May 1st I went out to check the bluebird house to see if there was any news to report. Tah-dah there it was, the first bluebird egg in the backyard bluebird house. The eggs are about the size of a dime, very small like a jelly bean. It has made my day. I was so excited I could hardly take the photo. They finally finished the nest and decided it was time. I was getting impatient. But this happens every year. It will happen when the bluebirds decide it is time.
The number of eggs a female bluebird will lay before her clutch is complete depends on several factors. The type of bluebird (mine are Eastern, usually laying 3-6 eggs), the weather, the availability of food (I keep mealworms closeby), and also age and experience (I have had young bluebirds who just went through the motions and never produced an egg). I have been doing this for seven years now and the average number of eggs is 4-5. They lay one egg per day. So, yes I am out there every day checking the box and taking photos. This must be done carefully and slowly. Stay tuned for updates!
Here are some other of my Bluebird posts you might find interesting:
Bluebird flying high,
Tell me what you sing.
If you could talk to me,
What news would you bring
Of voices in the sky?
– The Moody Blues
Hey, hey, hey it’s the first of May and 1 little egg did the Bluebird lay.
I know Bradley, what a way to start the month of May! 🙂
Happy dance! Congratulations MOM! The first one, and a great idea about the blog. I will follow this for sure!!
Absolutely Kim, I am still smiling a day later! My friends call me the Bluebird Mom. 🙂 Thanks for the interest.
Thanks for the huge smile on my face right now. Yay bluebirds!
You are very welcome Kim now you know how I feel.
Oh, Carol. This is their first egg that I see in your place this season. The beginning of life is very beautiful! I myself have only ever seen pigeon or quail eggs
Yes Albert, such a joy and a miracle. Each day brings new surprises and more hope. It is an honor to have these babies in Dustin’s garden.
Again we see the magic of living in your yard, right?
Absolutely, and a new post just went up. 🙂
… by the way the bluebirds are beautiful with the sunset!
I’ll check it out soon!
Carol, that post was eggactly what I was looking for! All kidding aside, great picture of the egg and I am looking forward to more Bluebird posts!
Ha, love your little typo there. 🙂 Thanks Doc, each day hopefully will bring more joy. So glad you are interested in enjoying the experience with me.
Don’t they call them the Bluebirds of happiness? Looking forward to more interesting and fun pictures!
Yes, that is what I always call them. Running late but I will get there.
I am looking forward to the future adventures of the birds of Carol series!
I really this photo of the bluebird egg.
Well that pleases me so much, I am glad. They are my Bluebirds of Happiness!
I did not know that bluebirds lay blue colored eggs.
Yes they do and they are beautiful.
That is nice to know about bluebird.
Great photo and looking forward to seeing more eggs and Bluebird babies
Each day will bring more hopefully Pamela.
I hope there will be more eggs in the nest. It will be a joy to see the little baby bird.
Time will tell. They only lay one egg per day.
Those birds better name it Carol, that’s all I have to say…
Ha! That would be pretty cool. I hope for more than one egg.
don’t they usually have a litter of thee to five?
Yes, I wrote about that above. 🙂 And I just posted another update to the blog.
so your odds are excellent to have at least two more
That is correct Alex.
This is wonderful, and the blog is a great idea!
Thank you Ellie, still working on a format to share the experience.
A new birdie will come on Earth. c”,)
I hope we will have more than one.
Any new ones? I hope there is another one. c”,)
Just love this Bluebird blog. Such a wonder it is!!!!
Thanks, trying to figure out a fun way to share my bluebird experience. 🙂
Great photo, we are waiting for a new life
Thank Branka, I will keep you updated.
wow that’s an excellent post with an even better photo! loved it!
Thank you Elena, several have asked that I do this since I always talk about my Bluebirds. Thank you again.
I was expecting this to look impatient. There will be a new life in your home this year.
You just never know with these bluebirds. I am hoping for another egg tomorrow. So many variables in this process. I have a smile plastered on my face right now!