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The Hummer and the Bee

Captured this hummingbird at my deck feeder. He was getting ready to chase away the bee. If you look closely you can see the bee. He was trying to get a place at the feeder and the hummingbird does not share. After I clicked the photo, he chased off the bee. 

But no worries. The honeysuckle blooms are close, so the bee went there to visit and got as much pollen as he wanted. It took about twenty minutes of waiting to get this photo. Well with the wait.

Photo ©CarolDM All Rights Reserved

  • Ever seen a hummingbird and bee this close?

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Written by Carol DM


  1. A twenty minute wait for a fantastic ceptured moment. You are really good and patient with that camera. I am patient with my crafts but not with waiting in line or for something to happen in front of me… Bring some more of these photos…

    • I know ahead of time it will take awhile, so I try to get mentally prepared. I wait and often still no photo. It is all part of the process. Thanks I will bring as many as I can. 🙂 Always appreciate your time, support and kindness.
