Captured this hummingbird at my deck feeder. He was getting ready to chase away the bee. If you look closely you can see the bee. He was trying to get a place at the feeder and the hummingbird does not share. After I clicked the photo, he chased off the bee.
But no worries. The honeysuckle blooms are close, so the bee went there to visit and got as much pollen as he wanted. It took about twenty minutes of waiting to get this photo. Well with the wait.
Photo ©CarolDM All Rights Reserved
Ever seen a hummingbird and bee this close?
What an amazing moment you captured!
Thank you, it was a lucky shot for sure.
A wonderful pic! I think that we do not have such birds
Thanks, they are such entertaining little birds.
Unbelievable sight. It’s so beautiful.
Thanks it was rare to get this one!
I’ve never seen a hummingbird.
I hope you can see one, one day my friend.
Nice image of the hummer and the bee in the same image.
Thanks it was a lucky shot.
Better to be lucky than good sometimes.
That is so very true.
An old saying that I saw on a National Football League video called “Super 70s.”
A truly splendid shot. You have also narrated the little duel between the hummer and bee in beautiful words.
Thanks. I had to tell the story of what happened.
You are so right on that!
Wow, cool photo!
Well, glad they didn’t start a fight…
the bee can get nasty
Thanks, it took awhile of waiting but worth it!
The hummer can get aggressive too.
That is one fantastic picture!! love it.
Thanks, it took awhile of waiting but worth it!
those guys are psycho territorial
Yes they really are but I still enjoy them.
I just think it is funny, especially the scolding…
It is good that you are persistent and can make these beautiful pictures
Thanks it is enjoyable to me.
That is a wonderful photo, great to see a humming bird and bee a rare shot…Great photo
Thanks, it took awhile of waiting but worth it!
I’ve never seen a humming bird in real life they must be amazing birds.
They are spectacular in my opinion.
Great picture, dear friend …. how do you do it?
Thanks, I stood very still for about twenty minutes with my camera on a tripod, on my deck, until the right moment, then I clicked!
Every honor, dear Carol … you have a lot of patience
I have learned to get a good photo, you gotta have patience. 🙂
I’m sorry I do not have patience
Photography is not for everyone.
I always think of my mom when I see a hummingbird by a feeder. She loves them!
Did you see the bee as well!
Do you have a feeder up at your home?
A twenty minute wait for a fantastic ceptured moment. You are really good and patient with that camera. I am patient with my crafts but not with waiting in line or for something to happen in front of me… Bring some more of these photos…
I know ahead of time it will take awhile, so I try to get mentally prepared. I wait and often still no photo. It is all part of the process. Thanks I will bring as many as I can. 🙂 Always appreciate your time, support and kindness.
Yes it is exact upper to the hummingbird.
They are so much fun to watch.
Here, in Bulgaria, we do not have such birds, but we have a butterfly that looks amazingly like a hummingbird – Hummingbird hawk-moth!
Yes we have that moth as well Georgi, they are so cool to see. Good to see you!
Forgot to add, this photo may qualify with the Wacky Wednesday challenge.