I was sitting in the garden earlier on this afternoon reading my book and enjoying the hot weather. According to the forecast, it has been a stunning 28 degrees today here in England. The hottest day of the year so far. And while I was siting there, I noticed this seagull fly down into my bird bath and start drinking the water. Luckily I had my phone with me so I quickly took a few snaps of him/her. I wonder how you tell the sex of a bird? I thought it was quite interesting watching them drink the water. He seemed to enjoy paddling in it too. During these hot days I always make sure the bird bath is topped up with water so the birds can get a drink. I have bird food on next to the table too so they can get food.
The video below is one I took several years ago now of a seagull looking for worms and eating them. I find it amazing how these birds quickly learn now to look for food. They are rather quite clever. Of course, not just seagulls, but all birds in general are rather quite clever. I hope wherever you are in the world, the weather is getting nice and warm now.
Stay cool because it is even hotter in the UK now
Yes it has been very hot, ahol. Today is cooler though, but still warm!
Nice photo and video! Usually birds can be sexed by feeling the pelvic area and the bones there. The female’s bones are more rounded and more space between them for egg laying.
Great picture and video. You took a good picture.
Thanks Halcombe for the lovely comment. 🙂
Excellent photos and video I have seen seagulls doing that too..
Thankyou Pamela for the lovely comment. 🙂
that is a wonderful capture. When I lived in Latvia seagulls kept to the river and the sea. We had all kinds of birds come into our garden but no seagulls. Then one day a gull must have lost its way and as I walked out of the house there was a gull on our garage. I thought I was seeing things. It only came once and just as quickly left again.
Oh yes, maybe the gull lost his way or something. I expect he managed to find his way back to where he usually lives. They are quite good navigators.
Great capture and a cute video! I think male and female seagulls are difficult to distinguish.
Thanks Ellie for the lovely comment. Yes, I shall have to learn how to distinguish between male and female!
Great photo and loved the video. Thanks for the smiles!
Thankyou Carol. They are quite entertaining to watch.
Yes, I love watching all kinds of birds in the water.
Great interesting suject to watch and ponder upon.
Thankyou for your kind comment, LaJenna.
How wonderful. He has used his legs to tap the ground making the worms come up. Wow. Great shots too of the one in the bath. Love this.
Thankyou Kim. They are quite entertaining to watch!
Oh my God. I have the feeling that he dances with the movements he makes with his legs. You were very lucky to record this wonderful video.
Thankyou Lacho. I enjoyed watching him!
that is a great video – well shot!
I am a fan of seagulls at a distance. they have learned how to steal food from humans as welL!
Yes I agree Doc, they do take food a lot. They are very intelligent birds, I think.
they do and they are very intelligent. There is a great Netflix show called bird brain that talks about just how smart birds really are!
Ooo thanks, I’ll watch it. 🙂
let me know what you think., I thought it was very well done
Nice video. I do not know why my videos do not get embedded but appear as links
Thanks for the lovely comment Grace. Oh I don’t know why they don’t show as videos. I hope you get it sorted out.
That is so so cool. Thanks for sharing the picture with us.
Thankyou Hannihar. Yes, I find them very interesting to watch.