Yes. It is the progress of a normal baby. Experts have answers and I respect their answers. May be you learnt to talk while in the womb or may be you even sat in there. We are not talking of special babies like you but normal babies that experts talk about. ???
There are several firsts in a baby’s life but I have restricted it to eight.
You are given choices just pick the right one. Forget about what you did or your babies did as let me reiterate I am talking of normal babies.
Your are welcome to talk about your babies and you in your comments.
Good Luck
Question of
When does a normal baby start to roll
4 months
2 months
3 months
Question of
When does it start to crawl. That is when one needs to keep an eye
6 to 8 months
4 to 5 months
9 to 1 year
Question of
When do you think it will try to sit. Babies are anxious to do their thing
6 months
5 months
8 months
Question of
The joy of seeing the toddler stand.
9 months
1 year
18 months
Question of
When will the baby take its first step – anther exciting moment
1 year
10 months
18 months
Question of
When would the baby say ‘Mama’ It is always Mama and not Dada Right?
6 months
8 months
5 months
Question of
When is the baby given solid food. I am not talking about the rubbish it picks up
4 months
6 months
8 months
Question of
When is the baby potty trained? Toughest really!!!
When the baby is ready
2 years
3 years
There is a huge range for normal. I am certain you did your homework.
All things considered there is always a norm based on which studies are conducted.
Nice one, thanks Grace. I have 2 kids.
Are they different from what you see in this post?
They were about the range.
Every baby is different, some progress early because parents pay attention, the ones that don’t progress are babies that are unwanted and ignored
This study is about babies who get the normal attention.
I scored half of the marks. On the introduction of solid food, in my country, a baby is supposed to be weaned when they are six months old. This was a standard that was set by WHO but maybe it was reduced to 4.
With working mothers I suppose the norm has changed.
Mayo Clinic is a reputable health and medical organisation. It seems to have changed from 6 to between 4 and 6. I think scientists have discovered much to recommend from 4 months.
This is an interesting quiz, dear Grace … I’m 6 correct … more luck than knowledge
That is a good score. I know many babies have their own schedule but this is what experts feel most babies have this schedule
You got 3 out of 8 right! Not so bad
I am not in the subset ‘people with kids’.
And nor do you talk about babies with family and friend I guess
Not in minutia much anyway. I didn’t make note of the details by the month.
I believe they live in the moment until after around 3 years. There is an early time when if you ask ‘would you like a cookie now or 10 cookies later?’ they just want a cookie. And I might be wrong about that.
I do not quite agree that one must wait for the baby to make up its mind to get toilet trained. (lol)
this was an interesting quiz and I got 5 right.
I am aware different babies do their things differently but there is a study conducted and this progress is what they see in most cases.
I miss the days when there was a baby in the house.
With nuclear family system this is bound to happen
Quiz about the progress of a normal baby
You got 5 out of 8 right!
That is a good score. Different babies do things differently.
Most of these are depending on the baby but cute quiz.
Based on a study by experts these are the results
That is fine I am just saying that all babies develop at different stages.
My quiz is based on a study by experts who may have interviewed countless parents before coming to this conclusion.