All good things must come to an end. This is the third and last part of the “Can You Guess The Colour” quiz series.
Also try out Part One and Part Two if you haven’t already done so.
Test your knowledge of unusual colours and share your score.
Good luck!
Question of
Question of
reddish pink
blackish green
sea green
Question of
yellowish green
bluish or violet colour
Question of
brownish purple
yellowish orange
reddish pink
Question of
Question of
blackish green
Question of
bluish pink
yellowish green
reddish brown
Question of
blackish green
purplish blue
Question of
deep blue
vivid red
dark green
Question of
baby pink
light yellow
snow white
I got 7 out of 10 right!
9/10! woo hoo! thank you Crayola and prismacolor for knowing such colours
That’s an excellent score. Well done indeed 🙂
taking Latin helped a little too.. 🙂
I lost two. I like to mix colors but for some I do not know the name. Thank you for adding my insight.
5 haha
7 of 10; haven’t of some of these… Cool quizzes!
7 out of 10 correct. Great quiz!
Great quiz! I loved it
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.
Nice quiz. I learnt a lot. Thank you☺
6 out of 10 right!
6/10 good quiz Dawn!
Good one, I got 8 correct. I thought sepia was a red/brown color. It is in my oils.
Sepia is reddish brown colour. Did it say otherwise in the quiz?
The answer was marked black. I think
In animals it is red brown fur tipped in black so it is kind of correct.
No I rechecked. Sepia is marked reddish brown. Another colour is black.
I meant sable, geeze. I thought sable was a red/brown color like a fox.
In animals sable is red brown fur tipped in black.
10/10 Omg
Congratulations. We have a winner. Well done Gina.
8/10 🙂 I don’t know some of these as colour-names, but knowing other languages can be a big help, for: cerise is French for cherry; puce is French for flea; niveous is a Latin-derived word for snowy. But what didn’t help me at all was my knowledge that sable is French for sand!! Evidently the word has some other derivation 🙂 Great quizzes, all three of these!
Thank you. I am glad you enjoyed these quizzes. I thought this was easier than part two.
9/10 – missed out on puce!