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My Big, Fat, Serbian Family

In Serbia, every degree of relative has its name. It’s quite opposite than aunts and uncles in English. In Serbia, aunts (tetke) are only sisters of either mother or father. All female cousins that are in laws, have different names. Also, uncle (ujak) is only mother’s brother, while father’s brother is called stric. If you think it’s easy, there’s a real treat: Serbians are all brothers (braca) and sisters (sestre), not cousins. So we have brother/sister from the aunt (brat/sestra od tetke), brother/sister from the uncle (brat/sestra od ujaka) and brother/sister from stric (brat/sestra od strica). I had to use Serbian word in order to distinguish it from other relatives, mentioned above.

I wrote all this in order to give you a key for solving this quiz.


  • Question of

    How we call tetka’s husband?

    • teca/tetak
    • ujak
    • stric
  • Question of

    How we call ujak’s wife?

    • ujna
    • strina
    • tetka
  • Question of

    How we call stric’s wife?

    • ujna
    • strina
    • tetka
  • Question of

    Could you tetka be unmarried?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Could your ujna be unmarried?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    What is to me my father brother’s son?

    • sestra od ujaka
    • brat od strica
    • brat od tece
  • Question of

    What is to me my mother brother’s daughter?

    • sesta od ujaka
    • sestra od tetke
    • brat od strica
  • Question of

    What I am to my fathers sister’s children?

    • brat od ujaka
    • sestra od tetke
    • sestra od strica


What do you think?

31 Points


    • Hahahaha! It’s just for fun. I knew it will be confusing for most of the people here, but not like it’s an exam or something. Hope you enjoyed, because I am going to post advanced level, soon. 😀

  1. “Excellent! You could be a Serbian!” I got only the last one wrong (and I still don’t get it!) Let me try:
    What I am to my fathers sister’s children?
    You are their mother’s brother’s daughter
    ujak is mother’s brother
    So, I worked out that you must be sestra od ujaka
    But the correct answer above says sestra od tetke. No I don’t get it! 😀

    I love the photos! Especially the beard on the man in the middle, with blue shirt. Which one are you, Zaklina?

    • Oh, sorry, I made a mistake, because “I” refers to me (Zaklina). And also, it seems that I noted the wrong answer, last night, because I was sleepy. 😀 Anyway, you’re a perfect candidate for being a Serbian. 😀
      I am not the bearded one, although we look alike. 😀 It’s my brother and I am standing next to my father (the older bearded guy). 😀

      • Oh, your brother does look like you! And I thought that was you with your dad, but I didn’t want to say in case I was wrong 🙂 This is a great quiz, I forgot to say. Really gets the brain working!

        • Thanks a lot! 🙂 And this is a photo from my brother’s wedding. So, my nearest family is there (only my sister in law is not our blood kin). I sent a request for fixing the wrong answer, but when I checked it, I was embarrassed how many spell and grammar errors I’ve made.

          • Well it is funny that I didn’t notice any mistakes of spelling or grammar (or maybe it was just enough to give the text your accent!)
            It’s a great photo of everyone. And nobody is fat – despite the title ??

  2. You got 6 out of 8 right!
    Excellent! You could be a Serbian!
    Thanks was fun. I have not forgotten some of the Serbian words. We are neighbors.
