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What's the biggest misconception foreigners have about your country? – Color Crazy

What is the thing that foreigners always talk about regarding your country that you think is untrue or exaggerated? Or what surprises tourists when they visit your place?

You can also share a misconception you had before visiting a place for the first time. I am very curious to read your answers.

See also:

How Much Do You Know About The Geography Of Bulgaria?

In Bulgaria Or Not?

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Written by ellie925


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  1. i suspect there are so many about the US it is sad.

    1. we are not all anti-immigration.
    2. Hollywood portrays the US that never existed.
    3. We are the most generous nation on the planet. The US is the first country to respond to national disasters all around the world.

  2. That is a lovely photo. I guess I can mention Latvia since I lived there for so long. Many people think that the Russians disrupt everything but actually the lifestyle is really nice and slow and easy and so peaceful as long as you don’t live right in the center of the city.

  3. Many think the US isn’t safe due to the gun violence in the news.Yes there are guns, but most citizens have never seen or heard a gun being fired. The media has exaggerated many things in our country.


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