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What programs are installed on your computer?

There are four programs that I have had installed on my computer for many years. Fractal’s Painter application (now owned by Corel) is one of them. Cakewalk, the music production software is another one. Dragon naturally speaking is the third. Microsoft Office is the fourth installed program (although it is multiple programs Visio, Project, Access, Excel, Powerpoint, Word, Outlook,  and publisher). All of these programs have been installed on my computer for more than ten years. I use all of them frequently — office the most, Painter and Cakewalk the least. But least is two-three times a week every week. I have paid probably quite a bit for the upgrades as well.

These four programs are four I always upgrade. The next tier of applications for me is the ones I think about for a week or so before I upgrade. That list is my second tier of programs and includes several applications. I use the MindManager Mind mapping program although not as much now as I used to, still from time to time it is critical. The other is the video ending software Pinnacle. I upgrade both of these when they come up, but I think about it before I do. Camtasia is a program I upgrade when the times comes, but I don’t use as often as the top four programs on my computer. Camtasia is a great screen movie creation package. I often use Camtasia to demonstrate how to do something on a computer.

I do have open office installed on one computer in my house. I don’t rely on it, but I use it frequently. I also have access to the Google docs, sheets tools and do use them as well. Mostly to transition information from people that use Google products more frequently than I do. Sometimes, the best way to transfer a document is copy and paste! That got me thinking today about the software I use. What software package is the one I use the most? In fairness, I took Outlook out of the list. Yes, I check my email personal and work every day. But it is not something I spend hours with. I suspect Visio and Word are the two applications I use the most (time). Powerpoint is next and then Outlook, Excel, publisher Camtasia, Dragon, Painter, Cakewalk, and then probably last and least Access. Each has its value. But all of them are on my computer and have been now for many years.

  • Question of

    Do you have a word processor on your computer?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have an art program?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. i sold my better laptop because it’s too heavy, now i am using a very light half a kilo laptop that i cant do anything except internet. lol

    i lost all the software i need including the adobe series. ?

  2. Not well versed on PC stuff but I have Google Chrome, Windows stuff like DVD maker and player, Word and other office stuff, Canon stuff for my printer and scanner. These I know for sure but basically, I work with Word every day and do my searching through Google Chrome.
