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What do you think of dried flowers and artificial flowers?

Dried and artificial flowers have been used for a long time in interior design and decoration, but I often hear that they are considered bad luck, bad energy or bad feng shui. Other people simply find them tacky or an example of bad taste. What do you think? Do you keep dried flowers or artificial flowers in your home?

I used to be a big fan of dried flowers, both store-bought and dried by myself. The problem with them is that they are a bit difficult to keep clean; they get dusty and tend to fall apart when you try to clean them.

Even though I have real plants and blooming flowers in flowerpots almost all year long, I have some artificial flowers here and there too. They are good when you want to decorate a specific place in the house that you know it’s not ideal for real plants, for example, when there’s not enough light or the temperature is not right. I think nowadays there are nicely made artificial flowers that look pretty good. What’s your opinion?


Identify The Fruits By Their Blossoms

Do you know which flowers are edible?

  • Question of

    Do you like dried flowers?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you like artificial flowers?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

19 Points

Written by ellie925


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